Thursday, April 16, 2015

Can Herbs Lower Creatinine Levels in the blood?

Herbs are the famous Chinese medicine, they are natural and without side effects. They has more than thousands years of treating disease history. Then can herbs lower creatinine in blood?


Creatinine is a waste product made by the muscles. While healthy kidneys remove creatinine from the blood, impaired kidneys are less able to perform this function. When the kidney function falls below approximately 50 percent because of chronic kidney disease, creatinine levels start to creep up, because the kidneys are less able to remove the creatinine from the blood. Creatinine is not necessarily bad in itself, but it is a good marker of advanced kidney disease.

Creatinine and Function

For patients with chronic kidney disease, the loss of kidney function is permanent. The body does not make new kidney filters, more properly referred to as glomeruli. Accordingly, once creatinine starts to drop, that drop is permanent. Creatinine levels will be normalized only by transplant or dialysis.
If kidneys fail because of acute emergencies such as poisoning, creatinine levels can be restored. Supportive measures such as short-term dialysis may be needed while doctors treat the poisoning. However, this is true medical emergency for which herbs are not indicated.

The active substances in medicine has functions of promoting blood circulation to remove blood clots, cleaning toxins in blood and supporting nutrition to repair the injured renal cells, so they can lower the creatinine and reverse kidney function at same time through purifying the blood and improving blood circulation condition.


Kidney patients should beware that many unscrupulous operators prey on kidney patients. Often, alternative products are hawked by vendors using glowing testimonials and scientific-sounding claims. Your best strategy is to work closely with your nephrologist and renal dietitian to develop strategies to preserve kidney function and minimize symptoms of renal insufficiency.

Now, if you want to know more information about the herbs medicine for reversing kidney functions and lowering creatinine, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to, we will reply you within 24 hours.


  1. Doc, Chukwu Madu herbal home. You are so great sir, I am cured from HIV/AIDS Virus through the help of your mighty herbs. It happened as you said, you never let me down sir I was tested HIV/aids Negative 5 days ago right here in my Country same hospital that tested me positive some months ago. I didn't accept at the first time you saved me from death Sir DR CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME, with your herbs.Thank you so much sir. If you are going through any of this virus or infection reach this great herbalist on his personal email:[ ] or WhatsApp him via +2347030936239. He will save you.
    Thanks: my name 'DUNURAI WAYAN' From CHINA

  2. Doc, Chukwu Madu herbal home. You are so great sir, I am cured from HIV/AIDS Virus through the help of your mighty herbs. It happened as you said, you never let me down sir I was tested HIV/aids Negative 5 days ago right here in my Country same hospital that tested me positive some months ago. I didn't accept at the first time you saved me from death Sir DR CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME, with your herbs.Thank you so much sir. If you are going through any of this virus or infection reach this great herbalist on his personal email:[ ] or WhatsApp him via +2347030936239. He will save you.
    Thanks: my name 'DUNURAI WAYAN' From CHINA


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