Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What diet changes will lower creatinine

As we all know, the creatinine is on behalf of the kidney function. When you have a high a creatinine, you should pay more attention to your kidney function and take effective methods to decline your creatinine. Both the diet and medical treatment should be applied.

The diet to lower creatinine

1 limit your sodium intake

Excessive sodium can cause an unhealthy amount of fluid retention and may result in high blood pressure. Both of these issues could result in high creatinnine levels. So you should stay away from salty foods and drinks, your daily average range of sodium intake should be between 2 to 3 grams per day.

2 limit your protein intake

You should avoid foods that are in rich in protein as much as possible. Red meat and dairy products can be especially bad for you. Dietary sources of creatine are most commonly obtained through animal products.

3 limite the potassium intake

When dealing with kidney issues, try to avoid eating foods with a high amount of potassium because that potassium can accumulate in the body If your kidney cannot process it correctly. Foods that are in potassium include, bananas, potatoes, beans and peas.

4 avoid phosphorus-rich foods

Your kidneys may have a hard time processing phosphorus-rich foods, particularly if you have high creatinine levels. Because of this, you should try to avoid foods like: pumpkin and squash, cheese, fish and nuts.

Chinese medical therapies

Medical Bath

It is easily to understand, the main process of medical bath is that, we boil the Chinese medicine into soup, them we mix them with hot water. When the temperature is comfortable the patients are supposed to soak in the hot water. From a long time soaking, the patients will swear a lot, as a result, the waste including ureophil, creatinine, potassium, phosphorus blood poison will get out of the body with the swear. What’s more? The Chinese medicine will penetrate into your whole body though your pore, which can repair your damaged cells and vessel and improve your blood circulation. So several times after your soaking the medical bath, your kidney function will be improved. Then your creaminine will be declined.

How do you think of my suggestions? If you want to know more methods to lower creatinine you can talk with our online doctors who are so experienced, you also can leave messages to them. And you can leave messages to

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