Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What to Eat with Chronic Kidney Disease to Control High Blood Pressure

High Blood pressure is the common complication of Chronic Kidney Disease. Due to the high blood pressure, CKD patients may feel dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting and so on. In addition, the high blood pressure also can cause damage to the kidney cells and worsen the release of protein, accumulating the development of Chronic Kidney Disease. Then what can patients to eat in their daily life to control the high blood pressure?

1. Food with high content of potassium (K) is good for those who have high blood pressure but have normal kidney function. Potassium can be used to balance sodium (Na).

Food rich in potassium are: soybean, red bean, tomato, celery, mushroom, green vegetables; fruits such as orange, apple, banana, pear, kiwi fruit, pineapple, persimmon, nut, watermelon.

Some food with much calcium and less sodium are good choice, including potato, eggplant, kelp, asparagus lettuce, etc.; and milk, yogurt, dried small shrimp an other food with much calcium.

Broth stewed with meat need to be avoided, because there is much nitrogen in the soup which will promote the uric acid and aggravate the burden to heart, liver and kidneys.

2. Limit the intake of salt. The total intake of salt in a day need to be less than 6g if you have high blood pressure. It can be measured by means of a cover of bear bottle, and one bottle of salt is just about 6g. The total intake refers to the salt in all the meals as well as in other food with contain sodium. Less sodium will contribute to the lowering of blood pressure.

One thing worth mentioning is the natural content of sodium in food such as meat, fish, egg and milk are all included in the 6g/d standard, so when they cook, they can even put in little salt, since those sodiums in food naturally is adequate. If the blood pressure is too high, or there is obvious edema (swelling) with the sufferer, they need to take in no salt at all.

Of cause, all the diets plan should be decided by the physical condition of patients, if you want to know more information about the Chronic Kidney Disease diet, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to, we will reply you within 24 hours.

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