Monday, October 5, 2015

High Cretainine Level be Reduced Naturally for Kidney Failure Patients with Dialysis

The high creatinine level is one of the obvious symptoms of the kidney failure. And the more high creatinine level means the more serious kidney failure. and do you know how to reduce the high creatinine naturally for the kidney failure patients with dialysis?

here are two things to know about the dialysis diet: First, it’s different from the food choices you may already be making and second, try not to make too many changes at once. Some people with kidney failure who are on the dialysis diet (also known as a kidney diet) start out focusing on what they “can’t” eat. While there are certainly foods and beverages to avoid, remember that following dialysis nutrition guidelines is a way to take control of your health and have a better quality of life.

How to approach a kidney diet

Think of the dialysis diet as an opportunity to try new things. Exploring delicious kidney-friendly recipes, planning meals on theDaVita Diet Helper and sharing them with your family can be fun and enjoyable.
Know the kidney diet differences

Pre-Dialysis DietDialysis DietDiet Tip

FluidFluid, which can be found in everything from beverages to fruit and vegetables, is usually not restricted at this point.Most people ondialysis need to limit fluid intake to 4-8 cups a day.Frozen grapes, lemon wedges, mouthwash rinses and ice help decrease thirst.

PotassiumYou likely won't be on a restrictedpotassium diet unless your blood levels are high.Your type of treatment and personal lab results will determine if a low-potassium diet is needed.Limit common potassium sources such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomato products, avocado, yogurt and nuts.

PhosphorusIf labs show you have highphosphoruslevels, you may be eating less dairy, nuts, legumes, meat and soy.People on dialysis generally continue to limit foods high in phosphorus and often take phosphate binders to keep levels in a healthy range.Read food labels closely and look for phosphate additives that can add a significant amount to your daily intake.

SodiumYou’re probably limiting yoursodium intake to around 1,500 mg a day—choosing fresh foods over processed, picking low-sodium products and eating fewer fast foods.Your new daily target could be from 1,000 mg to 3,000 mg depending on your treatment type. You’ll still want to continue eating fresh, low-sodium, home-cooked meals.Discover a whole new world of low-sodium flavors with herbs, spices, vinegar and flavored oils.

I hope these information can help you a lot. and there are a lot of Chinese medical treatments can deal with the kidney failure with high creatinine level. you can send emails to to contact us, or add my whatsapp +86 13383015760.

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