Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why peritoneal lavage cause itching and management

Complains kidney failure patients on peritoneal dialysis always itching of the skin. As itchy skin does not affect the quality of life for these patients only, but also reveals some severe underlying disorders as well, mostly on the face you want to explain why peritoneal lavage cause itching and effective treatment.
What are the causes itching for patients with peritoneal lavage?
Itching may easily occur even in people who do not have kidney disease. On peritoneal dialysis is more likely to increase to happen, and there are usually many factors that can lead to this offer is not stable.
First, a high level of phosphorus in the body is a common cause. Since dialysis both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis does not remove phosphorus efficiently and itching skin as a result of the accumulation of phosphorus may occur.
Second, skin itching may be worse uremic toxins in the blood because the peritoneal dialysis, which does not eliminate adequately. This is why the longer people are on dialysis and also their condition worse.
High levels of thyroid hormone is another reason. Some people have found dramatic relief after removal of the thyroid glands, but this does not mean all people on peritoneal dialysis have itchy neighbor must remove their thyroid glands.
In rare cases, itching is caused by allergies. This situation usually occurs at the beginning of dialysis treatment, because patients may suffer from sensitivity to the tubes and the blood dialyzer or other elements.
Next, how itching on peritoneal dialysis management?
Reasons to change from one person to another, doing a very accurate diagnosis is essential to ensure you can take the correct treatment. After the diagnosis, he has been given the following treatments:
Make some adjustments diet: If you test the level of phosphorus is high, a low-phosphorus diet is useful.
Because most of the phosphorus in the body comes from the foods we eat, we can avoid those foods that are high in this mineral. In addition, the reduction of products distributed from the food waste is also a good management.
Taking certain medications: In some cases, depending on a diet can not work very well. Then, there is a need for some medical treatments. For example, some patients on peritoneal kidney who wash their itch do not get some relief from antihistamines or headlamp cream. Therefore, you can consult your doctor whether you can use these drugs to relieve not your comfort.
Besides, the removal of the thyroid gland that we have mentioned above, and can prevent allergies be useful also. You can with a good treatment plan directed by your doctor mode.

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