Friday, October 30, 2015

Chronic Renal Failure Is Similar to The Early Stomach Illness

Early symptoms of chronic renal failure and stomach symptoms like. For example, are associated with poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, so patients if the above symptoms. The best is to go to the hospital for examination and treatment.

According to experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, renal failure is divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. In the initial stages of chronic renal failure, in addition to elevated serum creatinine, usually without any clinical symptoms to warn the patient of kidney is not working properly, when the disease develops to a certain stage, especially uremia stage, the body of uremic toxins accumulate, they will appear poor appetite, nausea, vomiting; pruritus, skin color complexion; difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, insomnia; fatigue, mental malaise and other symptoms, including poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms is the first The most common clinical manifestations.

So we should not underestimate these seemingly very "normal" symptoms in life, any prolonged physical discomfort certainly has its cause in trouble, do not blindly believe that a "chronic gastritis" sort of gastrointestinal diseases. Reminds, in fact, as long as the patient urine, renal function, renal B ultrasound or blood in any one inspection, chronic renal failure are easily eluded capture. So, when a patient unexplained anorexia, nausea, vomiting, chronic renal failure is not to think of the performance, must be to the regular hospital checks, and strive to identify the reasons for the right medicine, in order to avoid adversely affected by illness.

If once they are diagnosed with kidney failure, do not alarmed. When it comes to treatment of renal failure, it seems that we thought only of dialysis and kidney transplant, incurable. Tips, renal failure early therapeutic significance is very large, if treated properly, patients can do dialysis without a kidney transplant. We know that kidney failure is renal fibrosis process, developed to kidney failure, kidney function is more than 50% of lesions or apoptotic cells, the formation of scar tissue. These kidney tissue "scars" as if a wound healing the scars left behind, not only lost its original form, also lost the normal metabolic function, this process is the renal fibrosis. Early treatment of kidney failure is to restore kidney function in clinical practice to recover these individually scar tissue.

Therefore, experts remind everyone again, MO renal failure as the "stomach" medicine, long-term nausea, vomiting investigation must go to a regular hospital of kidney failure, for the treatment of diseases for valuable time.

If you still have problems, welcome to consult our doctors, the email address is

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