Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Diet for High Creatinine Level

Once high creatinine levels appear, it means at least a half of kidney function have been lost. That is because our kidneys have very strong compensatory ability, which means if one kidney is ill, another one will work harder to maintain the body health. So we can see the people with one kidney can still live a nearly normal life. So creatinine level will not increase until at least 50% of kidney function has been lost

The appearance of high creatinine should arouse patients’ highly attention. A healthy diet can play a helping role in controlling and lowering the creatinine levels.

Reduce sodium in the diet is the first dietary change when kidney disease or high blood pressure is suspected. Canned foods are particularly high sources of sodium in the American diet. Fresh foods over packaged and convenience foods are recommended.

We advise decreasing the amount of protein in the diet. A waste product called urea will be produced when protein broken down. For patients with high creatinine levels, the kidney function is decreased. Too much waste product will increase the kidneys’ burden. Reduce protein in the diet can help decrease the amount of waste produced, so red meat, pork and other animal proteins should be controlled. It is advisable to get adequate protein from plant sources.

Uncontrolled Diabetes can lead to kidney damage, for diabetics with high creatinine, sugary foods such as cakes, pies, cookies and candy should be limited or eliminated. White, refined flour should be replaced with whole grains, such as whole wheat, oats and barley. When high creatinine is caused by dehydration, caffeinated beverages, such as tea, colas and coffee should be replaced with regular water or fruit juice.

Warning: the best way to lower high creatinine is to find an efficient treatment to recover the kidney function.

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