Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Deal with Creatinine 8.0

Creatinine level 8.0 is too much higher than the normal level. Generally speaking, 0.6-1.2mg/dl is the normal creatinine level of adult males, and for adult females, the normal range of creatinine is 0.5-1.1mg/dl. And according to the creatinine level, renal insufficiency can be divided into four stages, creatinine 8.0 is at the last stage-Uremia, the most severe one.

Also there is a point which kidney disease patients should know, creatinine level will not increase until more than a half of kidney function has been lost. Creatinine 8.0 means that little kidney function is left. When the kidneys stop working totally, patients have no other choice but receive a kidney transplant.
However, as long as patients still have certain kidney function, like they still have some certain urine output, we can say that they still have the possibility to avoid kidney transplant.

Kidney diseases are difficult to be treated, and more difficult to be cured, especially the condition is the creatinine level has been increased to 8.0. however, what we can do is to help kidney disease patients avoid kidney transplant and improve the quality of their life.Here are Ten Home Remedies for High Creatinine

We adopt Immunotherapy to treat kidney diseases. In many other countries, kidney diseases are usually treated with medicines, finally, patients receive a kidney transplant. Immunotherapy has found that only medicine is not enough, that is because it only restrain the immune inflammation reaction and stop the further damage to kidneys, but it doesn’t solve other factors that cause kidney disease and repair the damaged kidneys, that is the reason why kidney diseases are always relapse.

Immunotherapy combines western medications, Chinese herbal medicines and advanced blood purification techniques. It has six steps, every step aims to deal with one factor that causes the kidney function or repair the damaged kidneys and restore the innate immune system of human body. If patients with creatinine 8.0 still have some certain urine volume, then give yourself a chance to improve the kidney function and avoid kidney transplant.

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