Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to Living with Polycystic Kidney Disease

It is never easy for patients or the family as well that live with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Living with chronic kidney disease can be overwhelming, but life can seem especially challenging if you have PKD. You may have seen how the disease has affected your relatives and worry that your own kidney function may slowly get worse or about your children’s future.

But it is not all doomed for someone living with polycystic kidney disease. The patient can still live a normal life provided you maintain a healthy living. A good mood can play an important role.

How to fight against your anger?
It is also natural to feel angry, particularly if close family members are unaffected by PKD. But don’t take your anger out on your family or friends, or try to cope with your feelings with alcohol or recreational drugs. These ways of coping just make things worse and may damage your relationships with the people who love and who want to help you — so get help as soon as you.

How to fight against your sadness?
It is not unusual to feel sad or unhappy when you are living with PKD or any other chronic illness. It can be enough to simply talk over your feelings with someone who understands. But having a chronic illness means that you are more likely to develop depression, with symptoms such as irritability, problems in sleeping, loss of appetite, loss of concentration and apathy. Depression is more than just feeling sad. It is an illness, so talk to your doctor about treatment to improve your mood.

How to fight against your stress?
You may often feel stressful while they cope with work, education, your family and relationships. The effective method to remit your stress is to take time out: try a short travel or relax on a weekend away.

A good mood can help you live a little happier with Polycystic Kidney Disease, so don’t lose your confidence at any time.

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