Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Conventional Treatment And Newest Treatment to Reduce Creatinine Level

For common people, the creatinine, as a kind of waste products, can be discharged out of body by the healthy kidneys. When the kidneys are failed to work normally, the creatinine and other toxins will build up in the blood. Kidney disease patients are worried to see the creatinine levels become higher and they are eager to find the way to reduce creatinine levels.

In general, when creatinine levels begin to increase, it means that more than a half of kidney function has been lost, that is because the kidneys have strong compensatory ability. If patients want to lower creatinine levels, the damaged kidneys must be repaired first.

The conventional way patients with high creatinine levels usually use

In many other countries, there being no other efficient treatments, patients usually use detoxification medicines to eliminate the accumulation of the metabolic wastes or keep a healthy diet to lower the creatinine levels. However, it can not repair the damaged kidney and treat kidney disease from the root, it should be a adjuvant therapy. When the creatinine levels increases to about 5.1, dialysis will be used. But dialysis is also such a therapy that can not repair the damaged kdienys, moreover, some patients have to bear the side effects caused by dialysis treatment.

The most efficient and safest treatment in 2012

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the newest way to lower creatinine level in 2012. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on Chinese herbal medicine. The Chinese herbal medicine can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, lower blood pressure and repair the damaged kidneys through providing the nutrient substances for damaged kidneys with the help of osmosis device. Besides, some oral medicine of Chinese herbal medicine can gradually restore the innate immune system. With the kidneys becomes healthier and healthier, the creatinine levels will go back to the normal level.

1 comment:

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