Friday, October 16, 2015

Renal edema diets

1. What is renal edema?

Renal edema is caused by kidney dysfunction of body edema. The cause of the renal edema are generally divided into two aspects: one is due to reduced glomerular filtration rate, and renal tubular reabsorption of sodium to water is good, leading to water sodium retention, this often associated with the increase of blood capillary permeability of the body, so the water gap in moisture retention, this sees more at nephritis. Another reason is that low plasma protein caused due to massive proteinuria.

Renal edema is the most common symptoms of kidney disease. General symptoms lighter eyelid and facial edema, and can appear edema in patients with severe edema, or associated with thoracic effusion, lungs and stomach. Renal edema is the nature of the soft and easy to move, clinically presents pitting edema, use finger pressing local skin can appear sag.

2. What is the harm of renal edema?

.Edema can lead to high blood pressure
. Edema can cause breathing problems
. Edema can cause disease of heart head blood-vessel

3. What is renal edema of diet taboo?

As is known to all, kidney disease need to follow a strict diet principle, so for patients with renal edema should be more strict bosom friend diet to control the degree of edema aggravated.

Limit salt intake, promote diet low in salt less salt.

Nephritis patients presented with swelling. First of all to limit salt intake. When edema obvious or very serious, requires that salt will be limited to 1 g, even for salt-free diet. When the oedema symptoms abated, salt can increase appropriately, but not more than 5 g. A low salt diet is to reduce the water sodium retention in the body, is edema, fade and lower blood pressure. A low salt diet can't eat pickles, pickles, preserved szechuan pickle and salty bread, Fried dough sticks, etc, also cannot eat laver, rape, spinach, fennel, celery, lily flower, radish, etc. Because these foods in each hectogram salt more than lOO mg.These food to eat many, it is equal to the salt increased.

 Limit the intake of water

Patients with renal edema due to kidney damage, resulting in a decline in kidney function. Metabolic disorders of edema, because the body water, causing water accumulated in the body. So patients with renal edema, especially to limit the intake of water, drinking water to control properly, the amount of water every day in the daily it is advisable to add 500 ml of urine.

These methods can effectively alleviate the symptoms of renal edema, but renal edema, fundamental reason or because the kidney damage, so, if you want to completely remove edema, should start from the kidney. Only real can solve the problem of kidney disease can get really healthy.

Micro chemical infiltration therapy of TCM, which is a very effective treatment for kidney disease treatment, it applies the traditional important medicinal materials and modern advanced equipment, through the way of external direct effects on kidney, and without any side effects. After treatment, the patient got effectively alleviated. Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy can protect the remaining of renal function, at the same time also can repair the damaged kidney tissues. Can effectively relieve kidney disease caused by a variety of symptoms.

If you want to try our therapy, you can send emails to, or add my whatsapp +86 13383015760.

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