Monday, October 12, 2015

Is Green Tea is Good for Patients on Dialysis

Green tea is the healthiest drinks on the planet, it is loaded antioxidants and nutrients that have strong effects on the body. We know the patients on kidney follow a strict diet and pay a lot of attention to their foods and diet laundering. Well then, is a good green tea for dialysis patients?
Green tea has the following health benefits:
Reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes
Diabetes is one of the main causes of kidney disease. Green tea can reduce the risk of diabetes. Studies show that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels over the long term. Diabetes management also reduces the risk of kidney disease. From this aspect, it can dialysis patients suffering from diabetes drinking green tea.
It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Heart and vascular diseases including heart disease and stroke, is the largest cause of death in the world. Heart disease and vascular complications in most dialysis patients must take the means to reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. Green tea can improve some of the major risk factors for these diseases. Thus, it is fine for dialysis patients to drink green tea.
Lower high blood pressure
Regular consumption of green tea is able to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which is the second leading cause of kidney disease.
Medium drinking green tea is good for dialysis patients. In addition to the focus on food and beverages, the most important dialysis patients to be done is to take the thing and means to improve the functions of their own kidneys. It uses therapy treatment called partial medicines commonly used in the present time in China to help avoid kidney dialysis and kidney transplant patients by repairing kidney damage and improve kidney function. Micron will be Chinese medicines into small particles and then put in two suitcases. Will be placed bags filled with Chinese herbs processed under the lower back of the patients. Through osmosis device, the active ingredients into the lesion kidney directly through the skin and channels on the back. And kidney weakness will be gradually reformed to some extent, kidney function improved gradually. If you have an interest in the treatment of partial drugs, you can leave us a message below or e-mail for
. We will do our best to help you

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