Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How to treat anemia of dialysis patients

Anemia is one of the symptoms of kidney disease. It get worse as the disease progresses. And dialysis further deterioration of anemia. Then how to treat anemia in dialysis patients?

First and foremost, I think it is necessary for you to get a general understanding of the causes of anemia.

a. Overall responsible for the secretion of the European Patent Office, an important hormone to help in the production of red blood cells, which will be oxygen to all parts of the body, giving you the energy you need for normal activity. But when the total has problems, Seketyonov patent will not be enough to help produce enough red blood cells. Therefore, we will develop anemia.

B. If there is a problem in the kidneys, much of the toxins accumulate in the blood, causing a lot of harassment. Some of the toxins and shorten the life of red blood cells, which will cause anemia.

T. If you are on dialysis, and the status of anemia be more dangerous because some of the red blood cells and will be discharged through dialysis.

How to treat anemia of dialysis patients

From the above we can see that the underlying cause of anemia is damaged kidneys or decline in kidney function. Therefore, the basic method for the treatment of anemia is to repair the damaged cells in the kidneys and improving kidney function. You must be curious about treatment that can achieve the above purpose. Here, I will introduce you to physical therapy is effective and safe. The so-called partial treatment drugs.

It is based on traditional Chinese medicine, but it is used externally with the help of osmosis device. It aims to repair the damaged cells in the kidneys and improving kidney function. How long is it improves the overall functionality, will re-create the overall structure. So the total will be able to secrete enough of the European Patent Office and you can reduce the recurrence of kidney dialysis. If you want to know detailed information about this treatment, doctors can ask on the Internet, it will provide you with friendly service!

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