Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to Get Rid of the Kidney Cysts Naturally for PKD Patients

The most obvious feature of the PKD is the cysts covering on the kidney. So that is to say, if the patients want to treat the PKD, they must get rid of the cysts. and I hope the following information can help you.

Are there any foods or recommendations for reducing kidney cyst formation?
Kidney cysts are small benign fluid filled pouches which are unharmful to the body, however if they swell then they can cause some secondary complications such as pressure, pain or discomfort in the abdominals or wherever they are situated. Many Naturopaths view these cysts as wastes that have not been eliminated properly by the kidneys. If the kidneys are ineffective in removing wastes from the circulation it creates a strain on the lymphatic system and further compounds the problem due to a further decline in health. The kidneys role in the body is to break down wastes, dilute them and then remove them via the urine. An increase in wastes can put a strain on the kidneys and also affect lymphatic function.
Common symptoms of kidney cysts

· Hematuria (blood in the urine)
· High blood pressure
· Back or side pain
· Increased abdominal size
· Frequent kidney or urinary tract infections

Medical removal of cysts

The common medical procedure for Kidney cysts is to undergo a surgery procedure called a laparoscopy, which via CT scan drains the cyst of fluid. Although there is no definite cure for kidney cysts, Naturopathically it is advised to support the kidneys and their filtering process. Improving kidney function should be implemented for long term changes to encourage better filtration of the organ and to improve the health of the supportive elimination organs such as the lymphatics, bowels and liver. The appearance of cysts most often occur over a number of years, therefore trying to reduce the cyst or remove it completely (via reabsorption) is a process which can take some time.

The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is also an effective therapy to help the PKD patients get rid of the cysts. if you are interested in it, you can send emails to, or add my whatsapp +86 13383015760.

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