Sunday, June 14, 2015

Difference Between Renal Failure & Renal Insufficiency

Your renal system consists of two kidneys, the bladder, ureters, and the urethra. The ureters are tubes that deliver urine from the kidneys to the bladder, which holds urine until it is released through the urethra tube. The kidneys remove waste products and drugs, balance body fluid levels, control red blood cell production, produce a form of Vitamin D and release blood pressure-regulating hormones. These fist-size organs filter about 200 quarts of fluid every 24 hours.

Renal failure refers to temporary or permanent damage to the kidneys that results in loss of normal kidney function. There are two different types of renal failure--acute and chronic. Acute renal failure has an abrupt onset and is potentially reversible. Chronic renal failure progresses slowly over at least three months and can lead to permanent renal failure. The causes, symptoms, treatments, and outcomes of acute and chronic are different.

Renal insufficiency occurs when when the kidneys' filtration abilities diminish. Doctors use a glomerular filtration rate to define kidneys' effectiveness in filtering blood and removing waste. This GFR is calculated using serum creatinine value, along with age, gender, body size and race. Creatinine is a chemical molecule in blood that is filtered by the kidneys and measured by a blood test.

Dialysis is a procedure that is performed routinely on persons who suffer from acute or chronic renal failure, or who have ESRD. The process involves removing waste substances and fluid from the blood that are normally eliminated by the kidneys. Dialysis may also be used for individuals who have been exposed to or ingested toxic substances to prevent renal failure from occurring.

The National Kidney Foundation has established five stages of kidney disease and insufficiency. Stage 1 consists of minimal kidney disease, with a GFR of 90 percent or better. Stage 2 indicates mild kidney disease and a GFR range of 60 percent to 89 percent.

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