Friday, June 5, 2015

How TO Prevent And Treat Kidney Failure Naturally Without Dialysis

Dialysis – might not offer a survival benefit in patients over 75 years of age with stage 5 CKD and multiple comorbidities, especially ischemic heart disease; Conservative treatment is often recommended for people who are over 75 years of age and have other serious health conditions, such as heart disease

How Many Years Can Dialysis Patients Live

If these problems are ignored, renal failure may set in leading to heart disease or even death. Along with the many treatments available to fight kidney disease, you can be proactive and follow a renal diet, eating certain foods that support healthy kidney function.


Various foods have diuretic properties, which promote healthy urination and reduce swelling that may be the result of kidney disease. Use parsley, celery ,watermelon, tomatoes, grapes, cucumber, dandelion greens and fennel to relieve swelling throughout the body. When there is less swelling, your blood pressure may also be lowered. Before consuming large amounts of diuretic foods, contact a health practitioner, especially if you take diuretics or medication for high blood pressure.


Pineapple is high in the natural enzyme, bromelain, which is reputed to fight inflammation. In the case of kidney disease, bromelain will help to reduce amyloid deposits in the kidneys, although there’s scant evidence of this claim, says the University of Maryland Medical Center in a 2008 report on amyloidosis. Amyloid is a type of protein that develops throughout the body as one ages and leads to amyloidosis, an incurable condition. Bromelain is often taken in conjunction with turmeric, a spice with anti-inflammatory properties, which boosts the action of both supplements. Bromelain and turmeric can thin the blood, so don’t use them if you take blood-thinning medicines unless under the supervision of a health practitioner- maybe a B.P drug .


Cranberries and cranberry juice have long been used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Cranberries are high in vitamin C, anthocyanins, a potent anti-inflammatory compound, and potassium, sodium, and phosphorus.

These minerals are all critical for proper kidney function and to balance the blood pressure, one of the kidney’s main functions. Additionally, cranberries and cranberry juice can prevent and dissolve kidney stones, according to a study on the matter published in the British Journal of Urology in 2003. If you drink cranberry juice, use only unsweetened concentrate and dilute it with 1 part concentrate to 3 parts water to equal 1 qt. total, the study advises. Drink this amount daily throughout the day. Cranberries are considered safe for use in acute urinary tract infections but may cause unseen side effects for those with renal disease. Don’t use cranberries or cranberry juice medicinally if you have active kidney disease without first consulting your health practitioner.

Generally, our kidneys play a vital role in the removal of waste and water from our blood to create urine. To keep that filtration system healthy means drinking lots of water, as well as eating the right foods.

So here we have red bell peppers, cabbage, onions and all different colors of cabbage actually, and what do these foods have in common? They’re low potassium foods. Low potassium foods such as these are great for supporting kidney health longer. You can certainly eat them raw in crudites, saute them up and add them to different dishes, and that would just be great for you. Water is also an important key in keeping your kidneys healthy. So flushing water into your body constantly is fantastic .

We are made up of more than 75 percent water, our bodies, so dehydration is definitely a factor, and keeping kidneys healthy longer means drinking lots of fresh water as well. Add some beautiful fresh sliced lemon, add some fresh cucumbers that will help you drink more, be refreshed, and really add some good nutrition into your body.

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