Sunday, June 14, 2015

How long can a person live on dialysis

There is no limit to how long a person can live on dialysis. On average, the life expectancy for someone on dialysis is between five and six years, but this can vary a lot depending on a person’s age, other health concerns and how well he/she follows his/her treatment plan.  With good care, it is very possible for a person to live for many years on dialysis.

You may not need to drink a full eight glasses of water every day to stay healthy, as once thought, but water is still a better choice than drinks that have caffeine, like soda, coffee or tea. These drinks can actually make you thirstier. Avoiding sugary juices and fruit punches is also a good idea, especially if you have diabetes. Drinking plenty of water may also help prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Note:  If you have late stage kidney disease or are on dialysis, you may need to limit how much you drink. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian about how much fluid you should have each day.

A recent study suggests that drinking two or more cola drinks (either diet or regular) each day may increase your risk for chronic kidney disease. Other types of sodas (non-colas) did not seem to increase the risk.

If you are on hemodialysis, ask your dialysis social worker for a list of dialysis centers in the area that you plan to visit. Contact these centers at least several weeks before your trip to find out which centers can provide treatment while you travel and what other arrangements you may need to make.

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