Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Lower High Creatinine in Renal Failure

In renal failure there is actually no specific diet as it has to be customized according to your requirements. There are some basic things which need to be understood to get the best results. The renal dietician or a doctor or a nutritionist should always be consulted for a proper renal diet as per your condition.

Fluid Intake- Other fluids also contain water. So you don’t really need to reduce the fluid intake if you are not on dialysis or the urine output is not decreased and normal. Infact in this situation the fluid intake should be more to clear out things. If on dialysis, the water intake and other fluid intake should be restricted an as per the dietician’s advice

Non-Veg Diet - Usually the proteins are not recommended in kidney failure. If the patient is on haemodialysis then slightly higher intake of proteins ( Animal protein - meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, and Vegetable proteins - nuts, pulses (beans, lentils etc), tofu ) is recommended. The higher intake is about 100-120 gm per day and the low intake is about 40-50 gm per day.

Water Intake - The water intake can be upto 6-8 glasses per day in case there is no accumulation of water in the body. Swelling in feet, face is the sign that shows there is water retention in the body and water is accumulating in the body and kidneys are not able to remove excess water from the body. So the water intake needs to be limited and under guidance of a doctor in this case. If there is no swelling in the body and the urine output is normal, then the water intake can be 6-8 glasses or even more in case of increased creatinine levels. It helps to reduce creatinine levels naturally.

Phosphate - Too much phosphate in the blood (hyperphosphataemia) usually becomes a significant problem in the later stages of renal failure (stages 4 and 5 CKD, usually less than 20% kidney function). The problem continues for most dialysis patients, as dialysis does not remove enough phosphate unless it is very frequent or intensive. A combination of diet and medicines are usually needed. Diet alone is hardly helpful. Phosphate binders are the drugs given to decrease phosphate absorbtion from the gut.

How to lower creatinine level in blood using ayurvedic herbs and medicines
There are herbs described in Ayurvedic medicines, the traditional healthcare system of India for supporting the normal kidney functions. These herbs help to reduce the creatinine levels naturally and without causing any burden on kidneys and can be used along with all other modern procedures like dialysis or kidney medicines. Regular use of these ayurvedic medicines helps to reduce the creatinine levels and avoid dialysis.

You can directly consult online expert about list of medicines or leave us a message. we are here to help.

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