Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Diet Suggestions for Dialysis Patients

Dialysis is an artificial way of doing some of the work of the kidneys, but it cannot replace the natural function of the kidneys. If you are on dialysis you need to carefully regulate your kidney diet.

Protein is an essential nutrient that enables the body to build muscles and repair itself. It also helps the body to fight infection. The main sources of protein in our diet are meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and vegetables such as peas, beans, and lentils. Low levels of protein can lead to malnutrition, fluid retention and a reduction in the body's ability to fight infections. When protein is used by the body waste products are formed and enter the blood. One of these wastes is called urea. Normal healthy kidneys are good at getting rid of urea. Failing kidneys are not good at this, but kidney patients should still eat protein.

Foods that contain Sodium in large amounts can increase blood pressure and blood pressure as we know is one of the major causes of kidney disease and hence kidney failure in long rung. Research has proved that in kidney diseases strict blood pressure control is crucial. This means that if a person has a failing kidneys or his kidney are not working 100% he should be very careful about his Sodium intake and should be taking care to maintain his blood pressure. If a person is already a blood pressure patient than he may require more than one high blood pressure medicine. So a renal failure patient should use any proper medicine to control your blood pressure with the advice of your physician.These high sodium foods to avoid include Salt, All types of frozen meat.

Weight loss is a problem that causes particular concern in kidney failure. This is usually because patients are not eating enough protein and energy-providing food. Malnourished people lose weight and muscle mass. Malnutrition can develop with patients on either hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Dietitians monitor renal patients for any signs of malnutrition.

We can not list all of the information about dialysis diet, if you are interested in it a and you want to get the detailed information according to your own condition, you are welcomed to contact us by leave us a message or sending us an email to doctornickzhang@hotmail.com.

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