Sunday, February 1, 2015

Nephrotic Syndrome causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Nephrotic Syndrome is one of kidney disease that collects of many common symptoms of kidney disease. Like proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. It will occur in childrens and adults. Today I will tell you the causes,symptoms and treatment.

Nephrotic Syndrome Causes:

Changes to the immune system (minimal change or lipoid nephrosis) – this type is most common in children. It is called ‘minimal change’ because the kidney filters appear normal under a microscope. The cause is thought to be changes in certain cells of the immune system. The function of the kidneys is normal and the outlook for recovery is usually excellent.
Inflammation – local inflammation or swelling damages and scars the kidney filters. Examples of this are focal glomerulosclerosis and membranous nephropathy. Treatment may not resolve the condition, and the kidneys may gradually lose their ability to filter wastes and excess water from the blood.

Secondary nephrotic syndrome – can be caused by certain conditions including diabetes, drugs, cancer and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms: 

In addition to proteinuria, there are three main symptoms of nephrotic syndrome associated with protein leaking into the urine:
Hypoalbuminemia (low level of albumin in the blood)
Edema (swelling)

Hypercholesterolemia (high level of cholesterol in the blood)

Nephrotic Syndrome Treatments 

In order to have a good control of IgAN, we must find a standard treatment to remove the IgA immune complex, restore the kidney function, and regulate the immune system. If these purposes get achieved, we can treat the disease from the root.
Based on many years′ experience and expertise in kidney disease treatment, experts in our hospital invent an integrated treatment system , which can guarantee us the most effective results.

If you want to know our treatment system naturally. Send an email to

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