Friday, November 30, 2012

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Nephritis Causes and Its Relationship with IgA

Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis is a rare kidney disease leading to chronic kidney disease. Although retrospective studies suggest beneficial effects of some therapies, prospective randomized clinical trials proving treatment efficacy are still lacking. In view of this, we should find out its causes and then prevent them.

Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a type of vasculitis and inflammatory response within the blood vessel that has symptoms of purple spots on the skin, joint pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, and glomerulonephritis. It is usually seen in children (more commonly boys than in girls), but people of any age may be affected. Many have had an upper respiratory illness in the previous weeks. However, the pathogenesis of HSP remains unknown.

It is generally considered to be an immune complex-mediated disease characterized by the presence of polymeric IgA1containing immune complexes predominantly in dermal, gastrointestinal, and glomerular capillaries. The pathognomonic granular IgA and C3 deposits in the mesangium are indistinguishable from those seen in IgA nephropathy. Similar immunohistologic findings have also been observed in the kidneys of patients with liver cirrhosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, celiac disease, and chronic inflammatory disease of the lung.

The relationship between IgA nephropathy and HSP remains obscure, since the pathogenesis of both are still enigmatic despite the considerable information presented. However, a good deal of evidence suggests that the two disorders are pathogenetically linked. Many (but not all) patients with both disorders have increased serum IgA levels and IgA-containing CIC. Other observations in favor of a hypothesis of commonality include the indistinguishable nature of the renal histopathologic lesion, the presence of clinically silent but histologically detectable IgA deposits in dermal and gastrointestinal tissue in patients with Berger's disease, and the occasional report of HSP occurring in patients with prior long-term IgA nephropathy. Finally, one of two identical twin brothers simultaneously infected by proven adenovirus developed severe HSP nephritis progressing to chronic renal insufficiency, while the other developed Berger's disease with recurrent asymptomatic hematuria.

The Symptoms of High Creatinine

1. Hypernatremia: thirst, decrease in urine volume, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, fervescence, dehydration, drowsy, dysphoria and even coma.

2. Water metabolism disorders: diuresis, frequent urination at night, thirst, dry mucous membrane, fatigue, swelling, high blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure and so on.

3. Hyperkalemia: arrhythmia, low blood pressure, and even cardiac arrest.

4. Hyponatremia: fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsy, muscles cramp, low blood pressure and even encephaledema and so on.

5. Metabolic acidosis: poor appetite, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache and even coma.

6. Renal osteopathia: ostealgia, bone deformity and poor growth and development.

7. Hypokalemia: myasthenia, respiratory failure, abdominal distension, astriction, retention of urine, arrhythmia, low blood pressure and so on.

Once the high creatinine begins to cause the severe symptoms which may threaten lifes, dialysis treatment will be used to help them eliminate these toxins and excessive water. However, dialysis can only maintain patients’ life to a certain degree, it can not treat kidney disease. Moreover, some patients may also suffer from the side effects caused by dialysis. But more and more patients decide to stop dialysis treatment, and they need an efficient treatment to help them get rid of it gradually.

Silymarin: A Potential Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of kidney failure worldwide. In this month's AJKD, Fallahzadeh and colleagues investigate a new potential agent to treat diabetic nephropathy: silymarin, an herbal drug with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The authors performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial assessing the possible efficacy and safety of silymarin in addition to RAS inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes and overt nephropathy, demonstrating a significantly greater decrease in albuminuria in participants randomized to silymarin. In any accompanying editorial, Meyers and Briggs discuss both the valuable opportunities and unique challenges of using botanical products to treat diseases. The authors remind readers that, unlike conventional drugs, botanicals typically are mixtures of uncharacterized constituents, and particular attention must be placed on analysis of all potential active ingredients, as well as batch-to-batch variability—and, just as with many conventional agents, promising initial reports of botanical products often are not confirmed.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Treatment for high creatinine in renal insufficiency

Renal insufficiency is when your kidneys no longer have enough kidney function to maintain a normal state of health. It is poor function of the kidneys that may be due to a reduction in blood-flow to the kidneys caused by renal artery disease. Some patients with renal insufficiency experience no symptoms or only mild symptoms. Others develop high blood pressure, poor kidney function, and high creatinine levels.

Renal insufficiency can be divided into four stage. When the creatinine levels reaches 451-707 umol/l, we call this stage kidney failure, the third stage of renal insufficiency. When the illness condition develops into kidney failure, it means much kidney function has been lost. Creatinine levels will not increase until more than a half of kidney function is lost.

Kidneys have the function of removing the creatinine and other waste products and toxins out of the body. If the kidneys are damaged, this kind of function will decline. So poor kidney function will cause high creatinine levels.

In general, patients with renal insufficiency reduce their high creatinine levels through keeping a healthy diet, taking medicine and undergoing dialysis. These ways can really control and lower the creatinine levels to some extent, however, they can not repair the damaged kidneys and improve and recover the kidney function, in other words, these ways can not deal with the root cause. In that case, the result will be that the kidney function becomes less and less.

while the real treatment to lower creatinine patients want is the one which helps them repair the kidney damage and enhance kidney function.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Diet And The Exercise for FSGS

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a disease that affects the kidney's filtering system causing scarring and loss of large amounts of protein in the urine. FSGS is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome. It is difficult to treat FSGS, for most patients don't respond well to steroid medicines, so those patients are at risk for kidney failure.

Children and adults of all ages and races can get FSGS. FSGS causes excessive loss of protein in the urine which may lead to high cholesterol, low protein in the blood, swelling. In some patients FSGS may be the result of a genetic or inherited disease, an infection such as parvovirus or HIV/AIDS, or other kidney diseases that lead to scarring.

Very few treatments are available for patients with FSGS. Steroids medicines is usually used to treat FSGS. However, we have mentioned above that most patients with FSGS don't respond well to steroid medicines. Even if steroid medicines is used, lots of protein still will be leaked.

About the diet for FSGS patients, they should control the protein intake, and foods containing a high-quality of protein are their good choice, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and fish. According to the specific illness condition, the total intake of protein a day should be controlled in 20-40g in general. Ice cream, oatmeal, chocolate, yolk, nut fruit should be eaten less, for these foods contain high levels of phosphorus. While foods containing low phosphorus such as egg white, spinach, Chinese cabbage, celery, tomatoes should be eaten more by FSGS patients. And patients also can do some mild exercise, such as jogging, bowling, Yoga and so on. These mild exercise can improve the patients' immunity.

If FSGS patients can not receive an efficient treatment, they are unavoidable to face kidney failure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How effective Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD

Maybe there are no obvious symptoms at the early stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). So it is easy to be delayed. In general, the common symptoms of PKD include high blood pressure, blood in urine and back pain. When the cysts enlarge to a certain degree, they will oppress the surrounding kidney tissues, which will destroy the kidney function. In clinical, there are so many cases that the illness condition develops into Renal Failure from PKD. Is there any treatment can prevent this happening? And how effective has Micro-Chinese medicine been for PKD?

In many other countries, there are no efficient treatments for PKD. With the kidney function worsening, creatinine level will become higher and higher. When it increases to about 5.1mg/dl, the doctors will advise their patients to undergo dialysis. We can not deny that dialysis can lower the creatinine level obviously in a short time, but how about the kidney function? Does dialysis so anything to recover the kidney function? No. So dialysis can only make kidney function worsening. A kidney transplant is another choice for PKD patients when their conditions develop into Renal Failure or Uremia. However, in clinical, there are many cases that patients who have received a kidney transplant find their creatinine level increases again after a period of time. That is because kidney transplant has not recover and rebuilt the immune system.

The advantages of Micro-Chinese medicine include:

1. All the medicine used from plants, safe and no side effects.

2. With the help of osmosis devices, the active materials of medicines can directly arrive in the kidneys and come into play.

3. There are many kinds of Micro-Chinese medicine and different kinds have different functions, such as lower blood pressure, promote blood circulation and provide the nutrient materials for the damaged kidneys.

4. Micro-Chinese medicine can efficiently shrink the cysts and avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

5. The most important of function of Micro-Chinese medicine is to recover the immune system.

You can leave us a message, if you would like to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and PKD.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treats Kidney Disease Efficiently

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the combination of modern technology and traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is the crystal of thousands of intelligence of Chinese nations. It is derived from natural plant. Therefore, there is almost no side effect.
But traditional Chinese medicine work very slowly and it tastes bitter. What’s more, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are taken orally, which will lose some medicine effect when they reach the renal lesions.
Different from the traditional Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine is adopted externally on the kidney area on the back. Therefore, Micro-Chinese medicines will not cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia and other symptoms and damages to the livers.
The Chinese Medicine which is prescribed according to the specific illness condition is micronized into molecules which are one thousand smaller than the original molecules. Therefore, the permeability of Chinese medicine apparently increases and the medicine effect becomes stronger. With the help of penetrant and osmosis devices and under the guide of a special Chinese medicine which works like a guide, the effective Chinese Medicine can reach renal lesions more quickly without straying into other organs. That is why Micro-Chinese Medicine is so effective in kidney disease treatment.
When the active ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicinein Osmotherapy filtrate into kidneys, they can play the role of blood vessels dilation, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, degradation, which improve the blood supply in kidneys, eliminate inflammation, inhibit thrombosis and degrade extracellular matrix abnormally deposited in kidneys, thus multiple-targetedly block the renal fibrosis; they also promote phenotypic reversal of intrinsic renal cells and provide essential repair substances to the damaged kidney cells. By blocking renal fibrosis, repairing intrinsic renal cells, many clinical symptoms of Kidney Disease will naturally disappear!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Treatment for High Creatinine

High creatinine is commonly seen among patients with kidney diseases. Many patients are wondering the causes and treatment of high creatinine. Hope the following information can help you. And if you still have any other questions, you can leave us a message, and we will reply you as soon as possible.
Healthy diet, medicine and even dialysis treatment are the ways patients with high creatinine usually use to lower the high creatinine. While for kidney diseases patients, these ways can not deal with the problem. That is because the kidney damage has not been repaired and the kidney function has not been recovered yet.
Immunotherapy is such a treatment combining western medicine, advanced blood purification techniques and Chinese herbal medicine. The purpose of Immunotherapy is to help kidney diseases patients recover the kidney function, and traditional Chinese medicine plays a very important role in the treatment. It contains six steps, and the foreign patients say that they know the purpose of every step of Immunotherapy, which is because our doctors will explain it to them. An efficient treatment refers to the one which can deal with the root cause, while high creatinine level is caused by the poor kidney function.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How Much Do You Know about Renal Anemia

Then What are the reasons for renal anemia? There are mainly three reasons of renal anemia.

1.The metabolic wastes which stay in the blood circulation can affect the function of platelet and clotting factors, making patients to bleed more easily including bleeding of epistaxis, gingivae, stomach and intestine, which greatly aggravates the anemia.

2.Because of the damage of parenchyma, kidney can not excrete erythrogenin normally, which greatly influences the hematopoietic function of marrow.

3.When the renal function is damaged, the metabolic wastes can not be discharged out of our body normally so they just stay in the blood. These wastes can damage red blood cells directly and shorten the life of red blood cells. Living in such an environment, the red blood cells can not live for a long time. If one gets transfusion, the undamaged renal parenchyma’s function of hematopoiesis can also be greatly affected.

Besides the above, renal anemia also has relation with the early symptom of gastrointestinal tract of renal insufficiency because nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea can make patients malnourished and in turn lead to persistent anemia.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Immunotherapy treats Lupus Nephritis

Systemic lupus erythematosus is usually to be seen to affect the women in childbearing period, the male-female ratio is 1: (7-9.5). SLE is the systemic disease. Not only the kidneys also other organs can be damaged by SLE.

The clinical manifestations of Lupus Nephritis vary a lot. It could be asymptomatic proteinuria and/or blood in urine, high blood pressure, also Nephrotic Syndrome.

Proteinuria is the most common clinical manifestation of Lupus Nephritis, about 25% of patients present Nephrotic Syndrome. Microscopic hematuria is more common, compared to gross hematuria. Some patients can also have leucocyturia and cylindruria. The amount of leucocyturia and cylindruria can reflect the activity of the kidney lesions to some extent. A minority of Lupus Nephritis patients can have kidney tubules dysfunction, and present renal tubular acidosis and disturbance of potassium metabolism. 15%-50% of Lupus Nephritis patients have high blood pressure and impairment of kidney.

As to the treatment for Lupus Nephritis, we need to repair the damaged kidneys and rebuild the abnormal immune system of human body. Immunotherapy is the treatment we would like to recommend to Lupus Nephritis patients.

Blood purification techniques will be used to clean the blood, as there are much toxic substances in the blood. Please note that nearly all the Lupus Nephritis patients are treated by dialysis in many other countries. However, dialysis has its limitation, it can not eliminate the macromolecular toxins in the blood.

Chinese herbal medicine is used to repair the damaged kidneys and rebuild the immune system of human body. It can achieve the purpose which western medicine can not achieve. You can leave us a message to get more information about Immunotherapy.

How to help Patients with CKD

1. Reasonable Diet. The diet for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease should be light and they should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Consume chicken, fish, milk with low fat properly. Avoid consuming too much protein and salt. Avoid consuming sports beverage which contains extra electrolyte and salt.

2.Prevent infections. Take care of the weather change and prevent cold. Keep the waist warm in winter and do not make the waist too cool in summer. Take more exercise and improve the immunity of our body. Prevent the infection of urinary tract which can be caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia for men and pelvic cavity disease for women. Once getting infection, patients should receive treatment in time.

3. Be optimistic. Long time in bad mood and scare will damage the function of kidneys. To sleep and get up regularly and have a good rest. The good habit plays a very important role to keep healthy.

4. Prevent other diseases from damaging kidneys. Some diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Urinary Calculi, dehydration in a large amount, hemorrhage etc. --all can lead to the damage of kidneys.

5. Receive treatment in time. Many people may develop Chronic Nephritis at a young age, but they do not have knowledge about it. Receive treatment in time when you have streptococcus infections in laryngeal and amygdale which might lead to Chronic Nephritis.

6. Well control blood sugar and blood pressure. Long time Diabetes and blood pressure out of control can cause vascular sclerosis because kidneys are composed of millions of capillaries. If blood sugar and blood pressure are not under control, the kidney can be damaged easily.

7. Be cautious with nephrotoxic medicines. Pain-killers, cold medicines and antibiotics can cause great damage to the function of kidneys and they should be used under the instruction of doctors; women should not take diet pill in abuse which can lead to Kidney Disease.

Hope what we mentioned above is helpful, if you have other questions, please leave us a message.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

How Does Immunotherapy Treat IgA Nephropathy

IgA, immunoglobulin A is a protein that is part of immune system’s defense against infection. In patients with IgA Nephropathy, the protein forms deposits in the kidneys and interferes with their function. In normal condition, the IgA is released by immune system to fight against the bacteria and viruses. When the toxins in the body are killed, the other immune cells will cleanse out of the dead bacteria.

However, in patients with IgA immune disorder, the immune system releases defect IgA which cannot kill the toxic products. Instead, these IgA will mix together and deposit on the kidneys. Kidneys will trigger excessive inflammation to fight against the deposition that doesn’t belong to the organ. The excessive inflammation will cause constant damages to nearby healthy cells and tissues, leading to kidney function decline. This is why IgA Nephropathy happens.

From the cause of IgA Nephropathy, nephrologists find that the kidney damages of IgA Nephropathy are caused by defect immune system. All diseases that result from immune disorder are known as autoimmune disease, such as RA, SLE etc. IgA Nephropathy comes from the autoimmune disorder and this is why this kidney disease is known as autoimmune kidney damages.

Immunotherapy is a systemic and comprehensive therapy to treat IgA Nephropathy.

Firstly, immune blocking will be used. During this period of time, immunosuppressive drug is used to stop the ultra immune inflammation, which can reduce the further damage to kidneys. However, the immune complexes depositing in kidneys belong to the foreign body and there has no doubt that the immune complexes can not coexist with human body, so it must be eliminated. However, the immune clearance can only eliminate those immune complexes in the blood and there also has no western medicine to eliminate the ones depositing in kidneys. However, during the process of immune adjustment, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is mainly used to help patients eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and rebuilt the immune system. Through immune protection, we will use Chinese medicine to recover and rebuild the inherent immune system. Leave us a message, if you have any questions.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Can IgA Nephropathy Be Cured

Patients with IgA Nephropathy are always told by their doctors that there are no efficient treatments to cure IgA Nephropathy and it is very easy to reappear. What is the fact? Why can not IgA Nephropathy be cured?

The therapy used in many other countries causes that IgA Nephropathy can not be cured. These therapies belong to the conventional treatments of western medicine and they just restrain the ultra immune inflammation in kidney area happening, but they have not eliminated the immune complexes depositing in the kidney area. So, as long as the immune complexes exist, the damage to kidneys will not stop and IgA Nephropathy must reappear.

Immunotherapy is regarded as the newest and most efficient one for IgA Nephropathy. Immunotherapy includes six steps:

Immune diagnosis: through the special checks, the position of the disease and the damage degree can be detected accurately.

Immune clearance: eliminate the circulating immune complexes.

Immune blocking: through the immunosuppressive drugs like basiliximab, rituximab, Tc-MDP, matrine to restrain the ultra immune inflammation, which can reduce the further damage to kidneys.

Immune tolerance: keep using the immunosuppressive drugs and let the human body adjust to the existence of immune complexes temporarily.

Immune adjustment: on one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to eliminate the immune complexes depositing in the kidneys, on another hand, through the Chinese herbal medicine, the damaged kidney inherent cells can be repaired.

Immune protection: through the Chinese herbal medicine, patients’ immunity can be enhanced and the innate immune system can be rebuilt and recovered.

Leave us a message, if you want to know more about IgA Nephropathy.

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