Monday, July 15, 2013

Herbs to Lower High Creatinine

Kidney disease patients usually care about the ways to lower high creatinine level much.the following information is about the herbs for high creatinine levels.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.

Researchers have used salvia on patients who were on dialysis for kidney failure and found that it increased the rate of which creatinine was filtered and evacuated from the body. They also noticed that it enhanced the circulation to the kidneys as well.

A high creatinine level is not a problem itself but may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem. It is important that you consult a doctor for proper treatment of the condition. If a high protein diet is the problem then the diet should be modified. It is important that you drink lots of water to help evacuate your system.These herbal treatments are suggested to help lower the creatinine levels in the body and are not a cure to reverse kidney failure.

If you still have any follow-up questions about the herbs to lower high creatinine levels, you are welcomed to send us an email to, or leave us a message, we will always be here fighting against the disease together with you.

Something about Herbs for High Creatinine Level

High levels of creatinine usually mean that the kidneys are not working properly and that waste has accumulated in the system. There are other factors that can contribute to high creatinine levels. They are side effects of medications or some herbs, high meat consumption and diabetes, all of which put a strain on the kidneys. Fortunately, there are herbs available that can help lower those levels.

Stinging Nettle Seed
A study published in the Journal of The American Herbalist Guild, noted that patients who were given stinging nettle seed extract showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine levels while they were taking the extract and that the effect lasted well after they stopped taking the extract. Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has been shown to lower these levels.

Cinnamon is a common household spice that helps regulate blood sugar. It has also been used to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon helps to enhance the filtration process and to strengthen weak kidneys and thus increases the evacuation rate of creatinine.

Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng is often used with cinnamon to revitalize the kidneys and to lower creatinine levels. It is known to be very helpful in treating kidney disorders by stimulating the circulation to the kidneys.

The most important thing for kidney disease patients is to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant, not just lower high creatinine levels. If having any follow-up questions, you are welcomed to leave us a message or send us an email to, we are here to help.

Cope with High Creatinine Level

High creatinine levels point to kidney malfunction, and the most common symptoms of this condition include weakness and fatigue, shortness of breath and an increased feeling of dehydration. Then let’s see how to deal with high creatinine levels.

Check for high blood pressure and begin taking prescribed hypertension medication if your doctor deems this necessary. You can get your blood pressure checked at your doctor's office or go to a drugstore, which often has a testing station. Untreated hypertension may damage your kidneys over time and their ability to filter out chemical waste, leading to high creatinine levels. You must address conditions that hinder your kidney function in order to begin lowering your creatinine levels.

Begin hemodialysis treatment if your creatinine levels remain high and you show signs of kidney failure. Your doctor will determine whether this is necessary. Hemodialysis uses a special machine available in some clinics and hospitals to clean your blood of excess chemical waste, particularly creatinine. Hemodialysis also keeps your blood pressure under control, if hypertension medication no longer works.

The fact is that no one kidney disease patient wants to experience dialysis or receive a kidney transplant. So the best way to lower high creatinine level should repair kidney damage and recover kidney function, which makes kidneys go back to their operating post. If you need the related information about such kind of treatment for high creatinine level, you are welcomed to send us about your condition to, or you can leave us a message. Our expert will give you medical advices with 48 hours.

Friday, July 12, 2013

What Drugs Cause Elevated Creatinine Levels

If creatinine is high, it means the kidneys are not functioning properly. Certain drugs can also cause creatinine levels to rise.

Antibiotics such as Amphotercin B, Gentamycin and Vancomycin can also cause damage to the kidneys and raise creatinine levels.

ACE inhibitors are typically given to patients after heart attacks because they enlarge the blood vessels of the heart and lower blood pressure. Some patients with impaired kidney function, such as narrowing of the arterial vessels in the kidneys, should not take ACE Inhibitors because they can further damage the kidneys and raise creatinine levels.

Pain relievers such as motrin (ibuprofen), aspirin, and naproxen can cause side effects such as kidney failure. Because of this side effect they are listed a possible causes of increased creatinine levels.

Diuretics such as furosemide (Lasix) can cause creatinine levels to increase. According to an article on, long-term use of diuretics can cause the kidney's to work overtime trying to compensate and the result is an increase in sodium resorption which can further lead to elevated creatinine levels.

If you need the related information about natural treatment for high creatinine level, you are welcomed to send us about your condition to, or you can leave us a message. Our expert will give you medical advices with 48 hours.

How to Decrease High Creatinine Level

High creatinine levels point to kidney malfunction, and the most common symptoms of this condition include weakness and fatigue, shortness of breath and an increased feeling of dehydration. Then let’s see how to deal with high creatinine levels.

Check for high blood pressure and begin taking prescribed hypertension medication if your doctor deems this necessary. You can get your blood pressure checked at your doctor's office or go to a drugstore, which often has a testing station. Untreated hypertension may damage your kidneys over time and their ability to filter out chemical waste, leading to high creatinine levels. You must address conditions that hinder your kidney function in order to begin lowering your creatinine levels.

Begin hemodialysis treatment if your creatinine levels remain high and you show signs of kidney failure. Your doctor will determine whether this is necessary. Hemodialysis uses a special machine available in some clinics and hospitals to clean your blood of excess chemical waste, particularly creatinine. Hemodialysis also keeps your blood pressure under control, if hypertension medication no longer works.

The fact is that no one kidney disease patient wants to experience dialysis or receive a kidney transplant. So the best way to lower high creatinine level should repair kidney damage and recover kidney function, which makes kidneys go back to their operating post. If you need the related information about such kind of treatment for high creatinine level, you are welcomed to send us about your condition to, or you can leave us a message. Our expert will give you medical advices with 48 hours.

How to Treat Creatinine Kidney Failure

There is no certain cure for renal failure, however there are some things you can do to support kidney health and provide the best chance of recovery. Fortunately, your kidneys have tremendous reserve and can keep you from having symptoms even when working at 25 percent capacity.

1. Ask your doctor if a referral to a nephrologist, or kidney specialist, is advisable. You should bring a list of every medication you take to your doctor, even ones bought over the counter or prescribed by another physician, and consult with your physician before taking any new medication. Avoid over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medication.

2. Monitor your blood pressure as recommended by your doctor with an accurate blood pressure cuff. Your doctors will want to keep your blood pressure below 135/85 mm Hg according to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Take blood pressure medication exactly as prescribed.

3. Ask your doctor if cholesterol lowering medication is right for you. Information published in by Dr. Post suggests "statins," a type of cholesterol medication, may be helpful. Also ask your doctor about taking a type blood pressure medication called an "ACE inhibitor" because this can have important effects on the kidney.

4. Drink the correct amount of fluid as recommended by your doctor. Avoid fluids that act as a diuretic, such as large amounts of alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Dehydration is harmful to your kidneys.

5. Schedule regular checkups with your doctor to check the protein levels in your urine, blood pressure, blood acidity and potassium levels.

6. Quit smoking. Smoking can damage your kidneys.

If you still want to know more natural treatment for high creatinine level, you are welcomed to send us about your condition to, or you can leave us a message. Our expert will give you medical advices with 48 hours.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Reduce Creatinine Levels With Foods

A high blood creatinine level is an indicator that a person may have a kidney problem. One way to help reduce creatinine levels and the strain on your kidneys is to modify your diet.

1.Stay away from foods rich in protein, including meat and dairy products. Instead, eat more protein from sources such as beans and lentils. Cut down on foods rich in refined sugar.

2.Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains and beans. You can get all the fats and sugars your body needs from these sources without putting a strain on your kidneys.

3.Avoid salty foods. Foods high in salt can raise your blood pressure and cause prolonged damage to your kidneys.

4. Drink at least six glasses of water per day. Drinking water will help flush excess creatinine out of your system.

If you still want to know more diet suggestions about how to lower high creatinine level and natural treatment options for high creatinine level, you can choose the way you like to let us know: leave us a message or send us an email to, our experts will give you professional advices.

Diets to Help Reduce High Creatinine Level

The ways to lower creatinine level is something kidney disease patients care about a lot. Here we will talk about the diets to reduce high creatinine level from sodium, phosphorus and fluid.

We need sodium, but most of us consume far more than we need. Avoid foods with added salt, including nuts, bacon, pickles, olives, sauerkraut and luncheon meats. Watch out for salt in processed food products including canned soup, canned vegetables, sauce mixes and bouillon cubes. Carefully monitor the amount of sodium you consume. Controlling your salt intake may also make it easier for you to control your fluid intake.

Your body uses phosphorus and calcium to keep your bones strong and to keep your muscles and nerves working normally. Calcium and phosphorus must remain in balance. When you have kidney damage, your body has trouble maintaining this balance. You often end up with too little calcium and too much phosphorus. Your body then steals calcium from your bones to try to restore the proper balance, and your bones become weak and brittle. You may also experience pain in your bones and joints and itchy skin. Foods that are high in phosphorus include sardines, cola, nuts, cheese, liver, peanut butter and beer. You may also be asked to avoid eggs and dairy products.

When your kidneys aren't working properly, they have problems removing excess fluid from your body. Your doctor may limit your fluid intake to prevent high blood pressure, swelling and shortness of breath. Remember to include soup, ice, ice cream, sherbet and gelatin in your fluid intake.

If you still want to know more diet suggestions about how to lower high creatinine level, you can choose the way you like to let us know: leave us a message or send us an email to, our experts will give you professional advices.

What Are The Diets to Lower High Creatinine Level

The ways to lower creatinine level is something kidney disease patients care about a lot. Here we will talk about the diets to lower high creatinine level from protein and potassium.

Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues and muscles and to fight off infection. When protein is broken down, like any other food, it produces certain waste products. One of these is urea, which damaged kidneys have trouble filtering out of the bloodstream. Most renal diets require you to monitor and limit your protein intake. Your doctor, dietitian or nutritionist will tell you how much and what types of protein you can consume. You will probably be allowed certain amounts of complete proteins from animal sources (lean beef and chicken, for example) and certain amounts of incomplete proteins from plant sources (beans and lentils).

When your kidneys aren't working well, your potassium levels can become too high. This can be serious and even cause sudden heart failure. Potassium is found in many foods, and you must carefully monitor your potassium intake on a renal diet. You may be asked to limit or eliminate leafy green vegetables, broccoli, bananas, potatoes, oranges and apricots, all of which are high in potassium, and encouraged to choose lower potassium foods including cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, apples, cranberries, grapes and rice.

If you still want to know more diet suggestions about how to lower high creatinine level, you can choose the way you like to let us know: leave us a message or send us an email to, our experts will give you professional advices.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Proper Diet For Uremia Patients

What should uremia patients pay attention to in their daily diet? How to control the diet? For uremia patients, their kidney function is seriously damaged and the toxins can not be excreted from the kidney. Therefore, their diet should reduce the kidney burden, meanwhile, uremia patients should supplement the nutritions and enhance physique.

What should uremia patients pay attention to in their daily diet? Uremia patients should keep low protein diet, the protein intake should be controlled in 0.8~1.1g/kg body weight; appropriately supplement low phosphorus and potassium milk powder; avoid preserved and canned foods; limit the salt intake; eat high-quality protein as far as possible and choose animal protein, the patients also can take an oral or intravenous amino acids; carbohydrate diet should be fully and ensure the necessary heat supply; the varieties of staple food should be rich as far as possible in order to increase the patients’ appetite; Besides, Choose fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins.

If you have any other questions about uremia, you can send an email to the experts:, or you can leave us a message.

When Should Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Start Dialysis

Actually, the specific condition of patients with kidney disease vary from person to person, so when they begin dialysis is different as well, but generally speaking, it’s decided from the following sides.

Firstly, renal function level
From testing GFR, doctor can judge your renal function, if renal function is droping to 15%, they may suggest you to start dialysis soon.

Secondly, some test creatinine level
High creatinine in blood can threaten life. For adults with chronic kidney disease, dialysis is recommended when creatinine levels reach 10.0 mg/dL. For babies with chronic kidney disease, dialysis is recommended when theircreatinine level is 2.0 mg/dL.

Thirdly, when you present some urgent or serious clinical manifestation
If you have severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea or vomiting, your doctor may suggest you to start dialysis earlier.

If kidney disease is caused by diabetes, the condition is usually complicated with a series of complications and their creatinine level can not reflect their real disease condition, so they may need to test GFR to check their renal function and start dialysis earlier.

When to start dialysis needs according to your specific conditions. If you have any other questions on dialysis or kidney disease, welcome leave message or directly send E-mails to

Nephrotic Syndrome and Bubbles in Urine

The excess protein in the urine often causes the urine to become foamy. However, the appearance of bubbles in urine can not explain that it must be kidney disease.

There are also some conditions that can cause bubbles in urine: if you have a fever; after you do some strenuous exercises; long-term separation and long time no sexual life; urgent urination and increase in speed of urination and the angle when urinating. The conditions mentioned above also can cause bubbles in urine, which is called physiological proteinuria. You need not to worry about it, physiological proteinuria will disappear naturally after several hours or one day or several days.

If proteinuria is related to kidney disease, we should take proper treatment to eliminate proteinuria, in case it make the filtration pore bigger and bigger and the kidney function worse and worse. For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, lots of protein will be lost from urine. They should control the protein intake, in order not to aggravate kidney′s burden. Foods containing high quality protein is a good choice, such as eggs, milk, fish and lean meat and so on.

Reasonable diet can only play a helping role, what we still need is the efficient treatment. If wanting to eliminate proteinuria, the key is to repair the damaged kidney. As long as the kidney function is repaired, proteinuria will disappear soon. Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should go and know about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is the best choice for them.

If you have any follow-up questions about bubbles in urine and Nephritis Syndrome, you are welcomed to leave us a message or send us an email to, we are here to help.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Diabetic Nephropathy and Hypertension

Hypertension is considered cause as well as an effect of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes is responsible for causing intraglomerular hypertension, hyperfiltration and hemodynamically mediated damage. Moreover, renal responsiveness can also be abnormal in the diabetic kidney. Therefore, abnormal intraglomerular pressures are chosen for treating hypertension in diabetic condition.

Descending progression of the renal damage can also lead to hypertension. In order to avoid the circumstance controlling blood pressure becomes increasingly significant. Hypertension in diabetes is also related to syndrome X or metabolic syndrome, wherein there is a coexistence of glucose intolerance, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

Individuals with type 1 diabetes, hypertension occurs due to diabetic nephropathy. Thereafter, hypertension shapes into microalbuminuria. On the other hand, individuals with type 2 diabetes have hypertension at the time of diagnosis. There are some chances that type 2 diabetes mellitus patients can also get hypertension through diabetic nephropathy, or other secondary causes like renal vascular disease.

Treating hypertension involves making few lifestyle changes, which include maintaining adequate weight, regular exercising, reducing salt intake and alcohol consumption. Some of the health care professionals also advise treatment with ACE inhibitors or ARBs after precise observation of individual’s condition.

If you want to know the natural ways to treat Diabetic Nephropathy and hypertension, you can send us an email to, or you can leave us a message, we are glad to help.

Symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy

Symptoms usually start 5 to 10 years after the kidney damage has begun. In type 1 diabetes, kidney damage or diabetic nephropathy usually develops a few years after the onset of diabetes (after about 5 to 10 years) whereas in type 2 diabetes, small amounts of albumin (microalbuminuria) may be detected in the urine at the time of diagnosis as many cases may have had diabetes for several years at the time of diagnosis.

The primary function of the kidney is to remove waste products from the body through the urine. As the damage to kidney progresses in cases with diabetic nephropathy, the kidneys cannot do their job efficiently and hence, you may develop signs and symptoms such as:

Rise in blood pressure: Blood pressure rises as kidney damage progresses. Furthermore, the increase in blood pressure increases the risk of kidney damage.
Swelling or edema: It usually starts in the feet and legs and may involve the entire body as kidney function declines.

Protein in urine: Initially, small amount of protein (albumin) is found in the urine (microalbuminuria). As the functioning of the kidney/s declines, the amount of albumin increases and microalbuminuria becomes overt protein uria. The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum Creatinine levels also increase gradually.

Other non-specific symptoms are poor appetite or loss of appetite, fatigue or feeling tired most of the time, malaise or general ill feeling, headache, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, difficulty or trouble in sleeping etc.
Urinary symptoms such as the need to go to the bathroom more often at night, frothy appearing urine.

Decrease in need for insulin or anti-diabetic medications to maintain blood sugar. In case of severe kidney damage, the kidneys cannot remove the excess insulin or filter oral medicines that increase insulin production, such as glipizide (Glucotrol) or glyburide efficiently. This may lead to a fall in blood sugar levels and decrease in the need for insulin or anti-diabetic medications.

Itching: When the kidneys do not function well, waste products from the body are not removed efficiently. Accumulation of certain waste products in the blood results in itching.

Paleness and anaemia: The kidneys secrete an important substance known as erythropoietin, which helps in the formation of haemoglobin. When the kidneys are damaged, they fail to form erythropoietin, which results in the fall of haemoglobin and thereby increases paleness and anaemia.

If you are interested in the natural treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to, we are here to help.

How to Treat Diabetic Nephropathy with Different Ways

Treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy involves taking care of several issues such as medicines to treat diabetic nephropathy, blood sugar control, management of hypertension and dietary changes. Read to know more on treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy:

Avoid drugs that can injure the kidney: People with diabetic nephropathy should avoid medicines that can damage or stress the kidneys, especially non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Inform your doctor about all the medications that you take (prescription and non-prescription). Your doctor can tell you more about medications that may harm your kidneys.

Maintain blood sugar: Control of blood sugar within your target range is important to prevent damage to the kidneys. Your doctor can recommend your target blood sugar, medications needed to control blood sugar and follow-up schedule to monitor your blood sugar.

Low salt diet can help control high blood pressure more effectively (with or without medications). Diet that is low in protein can help you preserve kidney function in people with diabetic nephropathy. Your doctor or dietician can advise you regarding the amount of protein that is best for you.

In China, "Tang Yi Kang" and "Ma Teng Kang" are two kinds of special prescriptions of herbal medicine. The active material of micro-Chinese medicine like Islet activating element, Islet cell adjustment factor, Pancreatic activated enzyme, plant active protein and so on can be lead to the patient's body under the action of electromagnetic field. These factors can activate and repair the resistance factor of insulin and lower its sensitivity. In this way, the insulin receptor will be more sensitive to the insulin and the islet function will be recovered. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can clean the internal environment of the human body and release the state of Metabolic Disorders. By expanding the blood vessels and removing blood stasis, micro-Chinese medicine can improve the microcirculation at the lesions and block insulin resistance. The active materials in Chinese medicine can also prevent Cardiac Cerebral and Vascular Diseases by blocking LDL, especially the lipid peroxidation damage to targeted cells.

If you have any follow-up questions, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can directly send us an email to, our experts can send you some free and professional medical advises.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Treatment for Lupus Nephritis

Evaluating renal function in patients with SLE to detect any renal involvement early is important because early detection and treatment can significantly improve renal outcome. Renal biopsy should be considered in any patient with SLE who has clinical or laboratory evidence of active nephritis, especially upon the first episode of nephritis.

There are two factors can affect the prognosis of Lupus Nephritis. One is high blood pressure and the other is protein urine. High blood pressure can make the kidneys work harder. Over time, it can damage blood vessels throughout the whole body. The tiny blood vessels in kidneys are responsible for filtering blood. If the blood vessels are impaired, the filtering ability of kidneys will reduce significantly. To slow prognosis of Lupus Nephritis, controlling blood pressure within normal level( 130/80mmHg) can improve its prognosis.

Proteinuria has toxity, it can cause direct damage to glomerular mesangial cells and renal tubular, thus deteriorating renal function. Meanwhile, proteinuria can cause renal tubular anoxia, resulting in tubular impairment.

Corticosteroids, such as prednisone and prednisolone, are accepted as the initial treatment for lupus nephritis. The steroids may be given by mouth or intravenously. Also, high dose corticosteroids (methylprednisolone) that are given in single, large doses (pulses) intravenously for three consecutive days are also a useful initial treatment for lupus nephritis, which is then followed by corticosteroids by mouth. The immune suppression medications that are used to treat lupus nephritis include azathioprine (Imuran) and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), both of which can be given by mouth. These medicines may bring some side effects to the patients, so we usually suggest Chinese treatments for them. If you want to know more, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to

Treatment principles of Purpura Nephritis

HSPN should be treated with different schedules according to patients’ ages, clinical presentations, and the levels of kidney damage.
Positively control immune inflammatory response; restrain glomerular mesentery proliferative lesion; prevent and delay the forming of chronic renal fibrosis lesion.

Pain killers may be needed for the abdominal and joint pains. It is uncertain as to whether HSP needs treatment beyond controlling the symptoms. Most patients do not receive therapy because of the high spontaneous recovery rate. Steroids are generally avoided.However, if they are given early in the disease episode, the duration of symptoms may be shortened, and abdominal pain can improve significantly. Moreover, the chance of severe kidney problems may be reduced.However, some evidence suggests that steroids do not decrease the likelihood of developing long-term kidney disease.

Evidence of worsening kidney damage would normally prompt a kidney biopsy. Treatment may be indicated on the basis of the appearance of the biopsy sample; various treatments may be used, ranging from oral steroids to a combination of intravenous methylprednisolone (steroid), cyclophosphamide and dipyridamole followed by prednisone. Other regimens include steroids/azathioprine, and steroids/cyclophosphamide (with or without heparin and warfarin). Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is occasionally usually.

Plasma exchange
PN, whose clinical presentations are progressive nephritis and a large number of crescents (>50%) formation in kidney biopsy, has a high risk of developing terminal renal failure. For these severe cases, they should be take positive measures, such as plasma exchange. It’s indicate in clinical practice that using hormone and cytotoxic drugs, using together with plasma exchange,or using plasma exchange alone, can reduce renal damage and delay the development of renal failure.

If you still have any follow-up questions, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to

Chinese Medicine Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

If one got Nephrotic Syndrome, this barrier will be damaged, so the transudation of protein will increase, thus appearing urine protein. Large quantity of protein loss in urine will make protein in the blood less. If the condition is not well controlled, long-term of continuous loss of protein will aggravate the damage to the kidney and even cause pectoral ascites, hydropericardium and lead to heart failure. Now Let’s see Chinese medicine treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome.

1. Whole regulation.
Chinese medical science considers though the lesions are in the kidney, it is also relevant to other organs. Because human body is a system, we must regulate systematically. Especially for patients with chronic kidney disease, several systems and organs are affected, the disease condition is complex and the complications affect each other, bringing trouble for the treatment, so it is difficult to handle. In this condition, Chinese medicine regulates systematically, strengthens the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors, treat both symptoms and disease, tonifys and reduces according to the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements. This is unmatched by western medicine.

2. Dialectical treatment.
In treating kidney disease, Chinese medicine therapies alter according to different patients, different time, and different disease stages. This is Dialectical treatment. That is to say, we attaches great importance to individual particularity of the disease and adopts very flexible and nichetargeting treatment.

3. Treat with Chinese medicine.
The medicine used in Chinese medicine treatment are natural medicines growing in nature, so it avoids the toxic and side effects of artificial chemically synthesized medicine, and wards off untoward effects of liver and stomach damage in treating kidney disease.
The biggest advantages of Chinese medicine treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome are good effect and no side effect which have been recognized by both kidney disease patients and experts. At the same time, it is the reason why patients with Nephrotic Syndrome choose Chinese medicine treatment. However, the effect of Chinese medicine is slow in treating Nephrotic Syndrome, so we can use western medicine to accelerate the treatment clinically.

If you still have any follow-up questions about Chinese herbal medicines for Nephrotic Syndrome, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to Treat Hematuria

Hematuria is an important index on judging the severity of renal disease, but the improvement of damaged kidney is more important than the index. With the control of kidney damage, occult blood and index will come down. So, much too fixed on the index will obviously lead to the repeated attack of hematuria. And recovery of damaged kidney is the key of health regaining. Patient must find out the curative therapy, and cure hematuria thoroughly and effectively.

As we all know, the main cause of having red blood cells in urine is the increase of permeability caused by damaged glomerular filtration membrane. Western medical treatment contraposes the symptoms, and has weak pertinence in the recovery of glomerular filtration membrane. Even if the occult blood decreases or disappears for a period of time, no underlying problems are solved, and the glomerular filtration membrane is not recovered. With the disappearance of medicine effects or other causes, occult blood will occur again.

The micronized Chinese medicine has stronger drug activity. It made full use of the feature of Chinese medicine: to effect a permanent cure, and make a second link of the cracked molecular Chinese medicine, which formed a new function. At the same time, contrapose the damaged glomerular basement membrane, it can remove the immune complex and pathological tissues, and then recover the damaged basement membrane. This therapy is to recover the damaged pathological renal gene and cellules neoplasiques, active the reproduction of DNA in the damaged histocyte, impels the change of renal structure, and recovers the damaged renal function. As the permanent cause was removed, the occult blood would be gradually decreased and disappeared, which would disappear with the elimination of pathogeny, so, there would be little possibility of repeated outbreak or rebound after drug withdrawal.

Therefore, in terms of Hematuria treatment caused by renal disease, the key lies in effecting a permanent cure, which means to recover the damaged basement membrane, or rather deceived by the superficial phenomenon, chasing the figures on test reports. Only in this way can we achieve the treatment effect in the true sense. If having any follow-up questions, you can leave us a message or send us an email to, we are glad to help.

Treat Flank Pain Caused from IgA Nephropathy

Many patients with IgA Nephropathy have symptoms, such as protein urine, blood urine and high blood pressure. Of course, there are some patients who are caring about the treatments for flank pain. Flank pain often starts as a little discomfort in the area above one or both kidneys.

There are no good medical treatments for flank pain. Aspirin can aggravate bouts of gross hematuria, and doctors warn against using it in children and teenagers whenever there is a possibility of a viral infection because of the danger of developing Reye’s Syndrome. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) are both nephrotoxic and should not be taken in quantity for any type of pain, including headaches. Besides, painkillers appear to have little effect on flank pain. Similarly, sedatives and muscle-relaxants like Valium do little once an attack is underway, nor is there evidence that such heavy-duty painkillers as Demerol or nerve blocks are effective.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco during any exacerbations of the disease. The Network has also received reports that repeated bending and overuse of the back may aggravate flank pain. If this is a feature of yours work, you may need to speak to your employer about possible modifications to your job. If you are interested in Chinese medicine in treating IgA Nephropathy, feel free to send us an email to, or you can leave us a message.

Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy

DN still has no effective therapy. The treatment principles are:1. To strictly control blood sugar to make the blood sugar close to the normal level, and prevent and delay the occurrence of DN; 2. to delay the rate of kidney function decrease; treat with dialysis or kidney transplant.

Limit in protein intake. Proper reducing protein intake in food can decrease the intraglomerular pressure, high filtration and proteinuria. In contrast, high protein food may aggravate glomerular histological lesion. Patient with renal insufficiency should strictly control protein intake and take high quality protein containing essential amino-acid.

To strictly control glucose. Before occurring to clinical DN, use insulin pump or multiple subcutaneous insulin injection to control Diabetic Mellitus and keep the glucose the normal level, which can delay even prevent the occurrence and development of DN. It is good for other complications to lower the increasing GFR and improve microalbuminuria. According to The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial(DCCT) study, T1DM treated with insulin intensive treatment can reduce by 35%-55% of the occurrence rate for DN. Controlling glucose for the patients having developed into clinical DN and having obvious proteinuria is less useful for disease development. Hypoglycemic drugs will change into insulin after occurring to Clincial DN.

To control hypertension. Hypertension can accelerate the development of Renal Failure. The effective hypotensive treatment can slower the speed of GFR reduction and decrease the output of urinary albumin. Angiotensin coverting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist can be the first choice, and often used together with other hypotensive drugs, such as calcium antagonists, diuresis, β adrenergic receptor, methyldopa, and clonidine. If patients’ pressure is more than ≥130//80mmHg

Besides dialysis and kidney transplant, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another treatment option when condition develops Kidney Failure. It can helps patients treat Diabetes and recover kidney function at the same time. If you need more, leave us a message or send us an email to

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Three Ways to Lower High Creatinine Level

Though creatinine itself is not necessary bad product, it indicates that the kidneys have been damaged and kidney functions have been affected. So we are seeking ways for lowering high creatinine.

To patients with Kidney Failure, they can choose various dialysis, kidney transplant and so on to lower creatinine, but how about the high creatinine patients? We can provide some daily suggestions which is natural and effective.

Firstly, because creatinine can be affected by diet, we suggest patients have low-protein food. To some patients, low-potassium diet, low-phosphorus diet and low-salt diet are also suggested. Also, as eating lots of meat makes our body produce much more creatinine, to prevent higher creatinine level, reducing meat intake is also necessary.

Secondly, people with high creatinine should pay attention to rest. You know, creatinine is the metabolic waste of muscle, so people should avoid violent exercise or much sports. Jogging, walking, mild dancing are suggested.
Finally, some medicines have the function in lowering creatinine. In western medicines area, such as medicinal charcoal. For the Chinese Medicine, we suggest Rheum Officinale which is natural and effective. Of course, some patients also choose Colonic Dialysis.

High creatinine is not terrible, but the kidney function. So the better way is protecting kidney function so that creatinine can be removed. Nowadays, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to help kidney disease patients repair kidney damage and recover kidney function. Many foreign patients say it just likes massage, very comfortable. If you want to know more, you can send us an email to, or you can leave us a message. We are glad to help.

Do You Know How to Lower Your High Creatinine Level

The high creatinine is caused by Renal function damage surely. The key treatment of High Creatinine lies in blocking further development of renal fibrosis. Repairing pathologic injury of early-stage fibrosis and recovering the normal functional status of renal organization structure, Creatinine will naturally decrease at that time. If not, patient’s Creatinine level will continually increase; severe cases may develop into Renal Insufficiency, or even End-Stage Renal Insufficiency, Uremia, which seriously threaten people’s life.

As to the treatment of High Creatinine, We suggest you to adopt combined therapy of Chinese and Western medicine, namely Natural Immune Balance Treatment. Activate material in Natural Immune Balance Treatment.can activate the renal inherent cells function, reverse and restore metabolism of normal cells, improve the damaged renal microcirculation to supply an oxygenic environment for kidney, and accelerate the reparation of renal inherent cells, improve the internal environment of damaged kidney and lighten toxic symptoms. It can create a loose and comfortable environment for reconstruction of the kidney. Natural Immune Balance Treatment with bidirectional immune regulation function and metabolic foundation can control the progress of the disease, thus establishing a favorable basement for repairing and rebuilding renal inherent cells. It is able to supply nutrient substance for repairing and rebuilding damaged kidney, and accelerate the repaired process of renal inherent cells.

If you want the detailed information about natural ways to decrease creatinine level, you can leave us a message or you can send us an email to, we are glad to help.

Does It Good for High or Low Creatinine

If the patient has high blood creatinine, that is mean the kidney function of the patient has problem, the ability of kidney metabolic waste is decreased, some harmful toxins can't discharge to out of body. What is the reason of patient has low creatinine?

The reasons of low serum creatinine is that after the kidney get violated by various pathogenesis, the damaged renal inherent cells of kidney appears phenotype transformation, form pathological changes, stimulate the kidney fibroblast turns into myofibroblast, at the same time, violate and stimulate the inherent kidney tissue, and occur the same lesion, then form the spread process which arrive by the dot face, from part to the overall body, go into the implement qualitative damage period(that is renal damage period ).At this time, because the kidney get damaged continuously, the function of secreting is decreased, then toxic substance such as creatinine etc accumulate in the body, increase the symptoms of increasing Serum Creatinine and Urea Nitrogen, decrease urine creatinine, decrease double kidney filtration rate etc. At the same time, the patient has other symptoms such as high blood pressure, high dropsy etc.
No matter the patient with low creatinine or high creatinine, they should pay serious attention. Creatinine substance in the body which produces by muscle metabolism creatine, through kidney the creatinine secreted to the external body. Normally, because the muscle quantity is relatively stable, so the generated quantity is constant, the level of Serum Creatinine depends on how much creatinine which is discharged by the kidney. The compensation function of kidney is strong, if a pair of kidney both normal, as long as one kidney work well, the Serum Creatinine can maintain the normal level. That is to say, only the damaged level of kidney account for more than half of the kidney, it will cause the Serum Creatinine increaseing. Therefore, the early, low-grade renal function decline can't reflected by Serum Creatinine.

If you have any follow-up questions about high creatinine level or low creatinine, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to

Monday, July 1, 2013

Treat Proteinuria for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

How to treat proteinuria for patients with IgA Nephropathy? Moderate quantity of proteinuria means that the 24 hours′ protein quantity is among 1 to 3 grams. It is usually considered that patients should take medicine to reduce protein in urine and protect renal function. The medicine is main with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which can reduce the filtration of protein from glomerulus and thus protects glomerulus from further damage. Besides, it can also prevent glomerulus mesangial cell′s wall thickened.

In addition, it is considered that the patients can take moderate dosage of Hormone Medicine to inhibit the special inflammation reaction of kidney.
However, the common treatment usually treats blood urine, which is the symptom of IgA Nephropathy , and it can not repair the damaged glomerulus mesangial cell or prevent the renal function from further decline .Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combines the treatment of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat the disease from the root by repairing the damaged glomerulus mesangial cell and protecting the renal function from further decline, which goes through four processes such as dilating vessel blood, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrixes.

If you still have any follow-up questions about treatment for proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy, you are welcomed to leave us a message or send us an email to, then our expert will contact you as soon as possible.

Life Expectancy for IgA Nephropathy

What’s the lifespan of IgA Nephropathy patients? About this question, answers differ from different conditions of patients. But one thing is sure, their lifespan depends on their treatment, diet and attitudes.

The first factor connected with patients’ lifespan is treatment. Right treatment improves their life quality in a large degree. Then what is right treatment? Recently, many treatments can eliminate the symptoms effectively and rapidly, which blinds patients’ eyes. It seems that they are cured. In fact, as these treatment only eliminate symptoms instead of starting from the root cause, these symptoms may appear again easily. Therefore, patients should choose a scientific treatment which takes up from repairing damaged renal functions, thus eliminates recurrent symptoms from the root.

Another factor which can delay or prolong patient’s lifespan is daily diet. Patients should take the following principles in their minds.

-Keep a low intake of water in order to lighten the burden from edema. Water volume should be based on the urine quantity of last day.

-Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to replenish necessary nutrition. If convenient, patients can take some fish oil which can decrease blood fat, blood pressure and blood colts. Besides, long-term intake of fish oil can also remedy focal proliferative Nephropathy and Proteinuria induced by membranous nephropathy.

-Take low-quantity but high-quality protein food to provide enough protein and decrease renal workload. Animal protein is better than plant protein.

-Limit the intake of salt. Excessive salt can lead to water and sodium retention, thus aggravating edema.

The last factor affecting lifespan of IgA Nephropathy is patients’ attitude to IgA Nephropathy. Surveys show that positive attitude is a key point to turn patients’ condition better. If you still have any questions about life expectancy for IgA Nephropathy, you can leave us a message or you send us an email to

Diet for IgA Nephropathy Patients

Diet may play a very important role in the recovery or the treatment for IgA Nephropathy patients. So the patients or their families should know something about the diet for IgA Nephropathy. Here Chinese experts recommend you some proper foods for IgA Nephropathy patients.

1. Be a vegetarian.
2. Have high-quality-protein food like lean meat, and chicken; Egg white is also ok. Avoid beans and bean products. Limit the intake of the protein or they will burden the kidney.
3. Limit your salt intake ― to help manage your blood pressure. A low-salt diet can also help minimize fluid retention and swelling.
4. Limit the foods with high potassium, such as bananas, tomatoes, oranges etc.
5. Avoid cold or it will aggravate the damage of kidney.
6. IgA Nephropathy patients can not eat spicy food, seafood, beef, mutton, crabs, garlic, onions, parsley, dog meat and wine, coffee, seasoning and other stimulating food and don’t eat animal livers.
7. Fish and Fish Oil is recommended for IgA Nephropathy

In addition to the patients paying much attention to their diet, they had better chose the correct and effective treatment in time.
If you still have any follow-up questions about diet for IgA Nephropathy patients or you want to know its natural treatment, you are welcomed to leave us a message or you can send us an email to

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