Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Benefits of Transplant Versus Dialysis

Some patients may need to spend time on dialysis as they wait for a good match from a deceased donor kidney or search for a living donor kidney. Spending a long time on dialysis does not ruin your chances of having a kidney transplant. But research shows that getting a transplant sooner rather than later is generally the best approach because of the health problems dialysis can cause over time.

On the other hand, patients who receive a kidney transplant typically live longer than those who stay on dialysis. A living donor kidney functions, on average, 12 to 20 years, and a deceased donor kidney from 8 to 12 years.

Patients who get a kidney transplant before dialysis live an average of 10 to 15 years longer than if they stayed on dialysis. Younger adults benefit the most from a kidney transplant, but even adults as old as 75 gain an average of four more years after a transplant than if they had stayed on dialysis.

Moreover, spending a long time on dialysis before transplantation may also compromise the life of the new kidney graft once transplant occurs. Published medical data has shown that the kidney will work much longer in patients transplanted before they start dialysis. Patients who wait for a transplant on dialysis for two years are three times more likely to lose their transplanted kidney than those patients who wait less than six months on dialysis. Even the benefits of a live donor kidney transplant may fade away if you wait too long (more than two years) on dialysis. So given the choice, patients who find a donor match and opt for transplantation tend to do better than those who elect to live on dialysis.

Your transplant team is here to help you evaluate your health options early on, and make the treatment choice that is right for you. We can help you understand the risks and benefits of transplant surgery versus dialysis, and the advantages of having a live donor kidney compared to a deceased donor organ. We will carefully and clearly explain your options, offer advice and support, and help you and your loved ones make the best treatment choice.

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