Friday, September 11, 2015

Do the CKD Patients Need to Do the Dialysis at Creatinine 7

Some CKD patients always have a high cretainien, and they want to know if the creatinine 7 need to do the dialysis. the following information may can help you a lot.
What Is Kidney Dialysis?
Kidney dialysis is a life-support treatment that uses a special machine to filter harmful wastes, salt, and excess fluid from your blood. This restores the blood to a normal, healthy balance. Dialysis replaces many of the kidney's important functions.
There are different types of kidney dialysis, including:
· Hemodialysis. Blood is filtered using a dialyzer and dialysis machine.
· Peritoneal dialysis. Blood is filtered inside the body after theabdomen is filled with a special cleaning solution.
There is not an exact answer to this question. Because every patient has deferent conditions. In some times, if the CKD patients with the cretnine 7 and at the same time, they also appear serious symptoms, such as the high blood pressure, vomiting, blood urine and so on. They need to do the dialysis to relieve the symptoms. However, if the CKD patients have not some serious symptoms, they and find a natural therapy to alternate the dialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis cleans the blood using the lining of your abdominal area as a filter. This method allows your blood to be cleaned while yousleep, while you work, or while you perform your everyday activities.
Before your first peritoneal dialysis session, you will need surgery so that your doctor can create access into your abdominal area. The surgeon will make a small surgical cut, most often to the side of your belly button. A plastic tube called a catheter is inserted through this access into the area surrounding thestomach and nearby organs. This is called the peritoneal cavity.

When it is time for dialysis treatment, you will place a cleaning solution called dialysate into the catheter. Your health care team will show you how.
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