Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blood Urine after Dialysis: Causes and Treatment

It is so scared for us to heard the blood urine, because it is a sign of the kidney disease. So if you find there are blood in your urine, you are supposed to see a doctor timely. And the dialysis patients always suffer from the blood urine after the dialysis. why?


The urinary tract is made up of your bladder, your two kidneys and two ureters, and the urethra. The kidneys remove waste and excess fluid from your blood and convert it to urine. The urine then flows through two hollow tubes (ureters) � one from each kidney � to your bladder, where urine is stored until it passes out of your body through the urethra.

In hematuria, your kidneys � or other parts of your urinary tract � allow blood cells to leak into urine. A number of problems can cause this leakage, including:
· Urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections are particularly common in women, though men also get them. They may occur when bacteria enter your body through the urethra and begin to multiply in your bladder. The infections sometimes, though not always, develop after sexual activity. Symptoms can include a persistent urge to urinate, pain and burning with urination, and extremely strong-smelling urine. For some people, especially older adults, the only sign of illness may be microscopic blood.

· Kidney infections. Kidney infections (pyelonephritis) can occur when bacteria enter your kidneys from your bloodstream or move up from your ureters to your kidney(s). Signs and symptoms are often similar to bladder infections, though kidney infections are more likely to cause fever and flank pain.

. A bladder or kidney stone. The minerals in concentrated urine sometimes precipitate out, forming crystals on the walls of your kidneys or bladder. Over time, the crystals can become small, hard stones. The stones are generally painless, and you probably won't know you have them unless they cause a blockage or are being passed. Then, there's usually no mistaking the symptoms � kidney stones, especially, can cause excruciating pain. Bladder or kidney stones can also cause both gross and microscopic bleeding.

I think you must know clearly about the causes for dialysis patients with blood urine. And I want to tell you the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotehrapy can treat the blood urine for the kidney disease patients. If you want to know more information about the our therapy, you can add my whatsapp +86 13383015760, or contact with our online doctors.

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