Thursday, September 10, 2015

How Do the PKD Patients Remove Protein From Urine Naturally

When the kidney was damaged, a lot of the protein will be leaked out of the body in the form of the urine. So it is necessary for the PKD patients to remove the protein from the urine.

These urine tests should be accurate, and in order to be accurate you can't do anything out of the norm for you. If you normally go into a sauna every day and don't drink a lot of water, then your body should have compensated. If you don't normally do this, then you should refrain from saunas for about a week before the next exam.

Also, saunas cause dehydration. This is probably the real problem of "protein in your urine." There should be protein in your urine, but the concentration needs to be a certain point. Drinking 8 cups of water a day (the daily recommended amount) will help to get the concentration at normal levels.

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I think you need to follow up on this. Your kidneys might be fine, and maybe you were just dehydrated, but I think a retest is in order. I have a kidney transplant. I don't have protein in my urine, but if I don't drink enough the day before, my creatinine (indicator of kidney function) will be higher than normal. Also, avoid caffeine the day before a lab too.

Your kidneys could have great test results; however, protein in the urine can possibly be the very beginning signs of kidney disease.

This is from the National Kidney Foundation:
"Yet, a urinalysis can detect protein in the urine—one of the earliest signs of kidney disease—years before symptoms appear and at a time when treatment can make all the difference"

How do you think of my information about how the PKD patients remove the protein in the urine. A secret to you, there are a lot of the traditional Chinese medical therapies which can treat the PKD. So you can send emails to

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