Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Treat Flank Pain Caused from IgA Nephropathy

Many patients with IgA Nephropathy have symptoms, such as protein urine, blood urine and high blood pressure. Of course, there are some patients who are caring about the treatments for flank pain. Flank pain often starts as a little discomfort in the area above one or both kidneys.

There are no good medical treatments for flank pain. Aspirin can aggravate bouts of gross hematuria, and doctors warn against using it in children and teenagers whenever there is a possibility of a viral infection because of the danger of developing Reye’s Syndrome. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) are both nephrotoxic and should not be taken in quantity for any type of pain, including headaches. Besides, painkillers appear to have little effect on flank pain. Similarly, sedatives and muscle-relaxants like Valium do little once an attack is underway, nor is there evidence that such heavy-duty painkillers as Demerol or nerve blocks are effective.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco during any exacerbations of the disease. The Network has also received reports that repeated bending and overuse of the back may aggravate flank pain. If this is a feature of yours work, you may need to speak to your employer about possible modifications to your job. If you are interested in Chinese medicine in treating IgA Nephropathy, feel free to send us an email to, or you can leave us a message.

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