Friday, November 27, 2015

What is the treatment of early nephritis with?

Nephritis is actually not a simple disease, but rather a variety of diseases, such as including acute nephritis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis, what occult nephritis nephritis with early treatment?. For nephritis patients, early treatment can help patients early in the disease treatment, to help patients get better treatment and improve the prognosis of patients with nephritis, then how can we treat early nephritis? First we need better patients Learn the early symptoms of nephritis!

? What is the treatment of early nephritis with first need to remind patients that, if the patient's symptoms appeared after the above, then the patient must be an early stage of scientific examination and diagnosis, below introduce you to nephritis treatment options:

First, acute nephritis bed rest bed rest is very important. Edema, blood pressure, urine abnormality mitigate later, the patient may be an appropriate amount of walking, gradually increasing the number of mild activity, but not a sudden increase in activity.

Second, the treatment of edema edema nephritis patients without treatment, and the rest by the salt restriction can disappear. Edema patients, the available medications, usually intermittent application is better than continuous application.

Third, the treatment of hypertension and heart failure in patients with hypertension require the presence of nephritis routine treatment of hypertension. Nephritis patients with heart failure, due to the presence of a high volume of patients with acute nephritis early problems, treatment emphasis should be placed on clear water and sodium retention slip, reduced blood volume above.

Fourth, anti-infective therapy in patients with acute nephritis have foci in the case to give a sufficient anti-infective therapy, when no foci, generally without properly.

Fifth, mainly for coagulation fibrin deposition and platelet aggregation anticoagulant therapy within glomeruli. Therefore, when treating such patients, anticoagulation therapy can help relieve nephritis.

Sixth, the dietary intake and water moisture in urine, edema, hypertension and the presence of heart failure degree integrated to determine, nephritis patients in the acute phase to limit water is appropriate, but not excessive. Salt intake in the presence of edema and hypertension cases, be limited to 2g / d or so. Protein intake, depending on the specification limits, proteins need to better quality protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and so on. The general idea into the low-protein, high-sugar diet diuretic begin until after the symptoms until the patient nephritis basic relief, restore regular diet.

Seven, antioxidants superoxide dismutase application can be applied (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, selenium and vitamin E.

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