Friday, October 26, 2012

Can Diabetic Nephropathy patients eat fish

Diabetic Nephropathy is a common complication of Diabetes. Too much blood sugar can damage kidney structure and make the blood capillary gets pathological changes. Healthy kidney can help our body eliminate the waste but now kidney function declines caused by the high blood sugar. Over time, more and more blood vessels are destroyed. There may have no symptoms at the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, with the decline in kidney function, patients will present some symptoms such as fatigue, frequent hiccups, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, headache, generalized itching, swelling and so on. If Diabetic Nephropathy patients don't pay enough attention to these symptoms, condition will develop into Renal Failure and even Uremia which is one of the main causes of death for diabetics.

As to most Diabetic Nephropathy patients' menus, protein control is needed to prolong the deterioration of condition. While the latest research shows that the amount of protein intake is not the key that causing kidney damage, but the type of protein. Protein in fish is rich and belongs to the high-quality and complete protein. Both the amount and the ratio of the essential amino-acid in protein fit body’ need best, moreover, the protein in fish is easy to be digested and absorbed by human body.

Researchers from UK find that eating fish twice every week can prevent Diabetes developing into Diabetic Nephropathy. They said that maybe fish oil improve the condition of blood fat and reduce the occurrence of kidney disease, or the protein and other trace elements in fish play a protective action to kidney.

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