Thursday, October 1, 2015

What Does It Mean When Your Kidney Shrinks Even after the Dialysis

Some kidney failure patients find that their kidney shrinks a lot than the normal. so they are panic to do the dialysis, but they find that it is no use. What should they do?

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine in the lower middle of the back. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste through the blood using millions of tiny filters (called nephrons), and flushing them out of the body via the urine. However, when nephrons get damaged, or worse, a kidney fails completely, waste build ups in the blood and can’t be eliminated from the body—which will result in toxic sickness.

Chronic kidney disease (or CKD) is often an issue for years before damage starts to take a serious toll on the body. However, the following ten symptoms do exist and can indicate chronic kidney disease…

1. Pain

In some patients CKD will cause leg pain—especially in the upper back or where the legs meet the torso (on the same side as the failing kidney). Cysts filled with fluid or kidney stones can also result from kidney disease and cause extreme pain in bursts or spasms that come and go.

2. Breathing Difficulty

Shortness of breath can result from kidney issues due to extra fluid or swelling in the lungs, which put pressure on the chest cavity and makes breathing difficult. Decreased oxygen-rich blood cells in the body (anemia) will also cause oxygen-depravity with movements (i.e., walking up stairs).

3. Metallic Taste in Mouth

Uremia, a condition that causes waste to build-up in the bloodstream due to improperly working kidneys will often result in a metallic taste in your mouth accompanied by weight loss due to a severe loss in appetite.

If you have above symptoms that mean your kidney may shrink than before, so you should to receive the effective therapies. the micro-Chinese medicine osmotehrapy may be a good therapy to you. Please send emails to to know more information about our therapy.

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