Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to Lower Protein in Urine Naturally for PKD Patients with Dialysis

Why there is protein in urine? Most of the PKD patients don’t know the answers. And is there any relationship between the proteinuria and the PKD? I think the following information must can help you.

Polycystic Kidney Disease affects kidney tissue by changing the basic structure filling kidneys with multiples of cysts. Cystic cells replace normal functioning kidney tissue. The cystic kidney cells die and are not capable of being replaced. Eventually for some, polycystic kidneys can start a path toward decreased kidney functioning, eventually culminating with dialysis and/or organ transplant. However, polycystic Liver cells can regenerate new liver cysts. This regeneration produces an expansive liver. Both conditions are inherited, passed within families through the genes. By maintaining the integrity of ones own personal DNA, this can squelch the second hit mechanism that causes an increase in cyst numbers and symptoms.

Diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are the most common causes of kidney disease. Not everyone with diabetes or high blood pressure will develop kidney disease. It’s important for those with these conditions to be checked regularly to find out if their kidneys are affected.

Other causes include:

§ Inherited kidney disease (such as polycystic kidney disease orAlport syndrome)
§ Lupus
§ Acute (sudden) kidney failure
Most kidney diseases damage the kidneys slowly, over a period of years, hence the term chronic kidney disease. Making the proper diagnosis involves blood and urine tests, a complete physical examination, and sometimes a kidney biopsy.
Symptoms of kidney disease:
§ Swelling in the ankles and legs
§ Foamy or bloody urine
§ Fatigue
§ Poor appetite
§ Nausea
§ Itching all over
§ A bad taste in the mouth
§ Confusion

When someone has these symptoms, he/she is said to be uremic, or have uremia. For some people, these symptoms may start when the GFR is 20-30, and other people may still feel good until the GFR is under 15. Whether someone has symptoms can also depend on whether he/she has anemia.

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