Saturday, October 10, 2015

How to Cut Down the Dialysis for Renal Failure Patients with High Creatinine

The dialysis is just like a nightmare to the renal failure patients with high creatinine. And they dream to cut down the dialysis all the times. So I will share something useful about the renal failure and the dialysis.

1. Many herbal teas work really well to improve the function of kidneys in great way. One of them is Corn Silk tea. The hairs of corn help to reduce the urea and creatinine levels.
2. There is another tea called "Nettle Tea' which can be consumed to keep the urea and creatinine level in control.
3. Chicory leaves tea is a great herbal home remedy to lower down urea and creatinine and help the ailing kidneys. All these herbal teas can be consumed without any risk to the kidneys. Keep monitoring potassium levels in the blood as sometimes the potassium levels can go higher. These herbal teas are rich in natural anti-oxidants, detoxify the body and help to improve overall health.
4. Olive oil among all oils has been proved safe for kidneys so it is better if people use olive oil for cooking and that is a better option.
5. Green vegetables are rich in many minerals, nutrients but also high in potassium levels. To remove potassium from the greens, you can just boil them or just simmer them or soak the green vegetables and leave the water out and then consume the greens. This way you will get all the nutrition from the greens, without affecting your potassium levels.
6. It's better to eat less at a time and it is better to avoid heavy 2 or three meals.
7. Soak vegetables in water for at least one hour before cooking. This is done to reduce the potassium level.
8. One can have cabbage, apples, reddish, bell peppers, pear, cauliflower, and diet which are high fiber with anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Diet rich in phosphorus like eggs, fish, meat, dairy products must be limited. Egg white may be given if the albumin levels in blood are low.
10. Avoid intake of salt or take in very less quantity. Salt can be consumed if the Sodium levels are low because of excessive use of modern diuretics.

I hope the information would help you so much, and beside that, there are a lot of the Chinese medical treatments can deal with the renal failure, such as the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. You can send emails to to know them.

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