Sunday, July 12, 2015

Top 5 Facts about Renal Cyst

In recent years, with the rapid development of modern technology, lots of people especially the elderly have been diagnosed with Renal Cyst. And today, we are going to introduce 5 facts about this disease. Read on and you can find the answer.

What is renal cyst?

Renal cyst, also known as kidney cyst, refers to small round fluid-filled packet in the kidneys. It can occur in any age and commonly seen at the 50s. In most cases, they are benign and asymptomatic. However, with age, the cysts will increase both in numbers and sizes.


Without effective control,the enlarged cysts will oppress the adjacent kidney structures. Gradually, a series of symptoms will occur. Such as, abdominal pain, back pain, high blood pressure, proteinuria, high creatinine level, hematuria and so on.

When to seek for a help?

In general, when the cysts are less than 3 cm, a regular detection is always suggested by the doctors. However, when the cysts are above 3 cm or there are some serious symptoms, it is necessary to seek for a medical help immediately.

Prevention of kidney cyst

In general, the prevention of this disorder can be concluded like this: balance of work and rest, pay attention to infections, effective control of symptoms, a proper diet, etc. For more detailed information, you can consult with our online doctor directly.

Treatments for this disorder

In western countries, surgeries are always suggested. Even if they can obtain quick effects in removing the big cysts, they may cause traumas to the kidneys. More importantly, they can do nothing to the impaired kidney function.

At our Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital, experts provide patients with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Compared with surgery, it focuses on all cysts, but the procedure usually takes for a longer time. More importantly, the herbs are all come from nature, so there is no need to worry about the adverse effects. Any interests about the herbal lists, you can email and we are glad to help.

If you happen to be a person with renal cyst, we really hope that you can benefit a lot. Anything unclear about the above facts, please leave us message below. Good luck!

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