Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chinese Therapies Help Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis

Without dialysis, toxins build up in the blood, causing a condition called uremia. The patient will receive whatever medicines are necessary to manage symptoms of uremia and other medical conditions. Depending on how quickly the toxins build up, death usually follows anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
However, we are here helping those kidney failure patients who want to stop dialysis live a better life. We have already had rich experiencing helping patients successfully stop dialysis. So, we are glad to help you.
Patients who choose to stop or not start dialysis are not required to eat or take in fluids. In most cases, a patient is allowed to eat or drink if they want to, but forcing fluids or nutrition is not recommended.
Medicines can be given for pain, anxiety, agitation or congestion. However, other medicines are often stopped when a person decides to quit dialysis treatments, since treating the chronic medical conditions is no longer a priority.
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, foot bath, medicated bath, oral Chinese herbal medicine, circle therapy, enema therapy, etc are commonly used in the clinic to help patients save kidneys through extending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing immune complexes out of body, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells. With these treatment, the increase in GFR level will be shown on test reports.
Is it possible for you to come to China for treatment if you are trying your best to stop dialysis? Feel free to contact online doctor if having any questions.

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