Saturday, November 17, 2012

How Does Immunotherapy Treat IgA Nephropathy

IgA, immunoglobulin A is a protein that is part of immune system’s defense against infection. In patients with IgA Nephropathy, the protein forms deposits in the kidneys and interferes with their function. In normal condition, the IgA is released by immune system to fight against the bacteria and viruses. When the toxins in the body are killed, the other immune cells will cleanse out of the dead bacteria.

However, in patients with IgA immune disorder, the immune system releases defect IgA which cannot kill the toxic products. Instead, these IgA will mix together and deposit on the kidneys. Kidneys will trigger excessive inflammation to fight against the deposition that doesn’t belong to the organ. The excessive inflammation will cause constant damages to nearby healthy cells and tissues, leading to kidney function decline. This is why IgA Nephropathy happens.

From the cause of IgA Nephropathy, nephrologists find that the kidney damages of IgA Nephropathy are caused by defect immune system. All diseases that result from immune disorder are known as autoimmune disease, such as RA, SLE etc. IgA Nephropathy comes from the autoimmune disorder and this is why this kidney disease is known as autoimmune kidney damages.

Immunotherapy is a systemic and comprehensive therapy to treat IgA Nephropathy.

Firstly, immune blocking will be used. During this period of time, immunosuppressive drug is used to stop the ultra immune inflammation, which can reduce the further damage to kidneys. However, the immune complexes depositing in kidneys belong to the foreign body and there has no doubt that the immune complexes can not coexist with human body, so it must be eliminated. However, the immune clearance can only eliminate those immune complexes in the blood and there also has no western medicine to eliminate the ones depositing in kidneys. However, during the process of immune adjustment, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is mainly used to help patients eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and rebuilt the immune system. Through immune protection, we will use Chinese medicine to recover and rebuild the inherent immune system. Leave us a message, if you have any questions.

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