Thursday, November 29, 2012

Treatment for high creatinine in renal insufficiency

Renal insufficiency is when your kidneys no longer have enough kidney function to maintain a normal state of health. It is poor function of the kidneys that may be due to a reduction in blood-flow to the kidneys caused by renal artery disease. Some patients with renal insufficiency experience no symptoms or only mild symptoms. Others develop high blood pressure, poor kidney function, and high creatinine levels.

Renal insufficiency can be divided into four stage. When the creatinine levels reaches 451-707 umol/l, we call this stage kidney failure, the third stage of renal insufficiency. When the illness condition develops into kidney failure, it means much kidney function has been lost. Creatinine levels will not increase until more than a half of kidney function is lost.

Kidneys have the function of removing the creatinine and other waste products and toxins out of the body. If the kidneys are damaged, this kind of function will decline. So poor kidney function will cause high creatinine levels.

In general, patients with renal insufficiency reduce their high creatinine levels through keeping a healthy diet, taking medicine and undergoing dialysis. These ways can really control and lower the creatinine levels to some extent, however, they can not repair the damaged kidneys and improve and recover the kidney function, in other words, these ways can not deal with the root cause. In that case, the result will be that the kidney function becomes less and less.

while the real treatment to lower creatinine patients want is the one which helps them repair the kidney damage and enhance kidney function.

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