Saturday, September 29, 2012

Is it Possible for me to Get Pregnant-PKD, Creatinine 3, blood pressure 130/90

Q: This is Helen, and I am from The Philippines, I am 25 years of age and I was diagnosed with PKD, there are some cysts on my kidney. My dad and brother have done kidney transplant, it seems like a genetic disease. However, I feel normal and no discomforts. My creatinine level is 3 and blood pressure is 130/90. Here I want to know is it possible for me to get pregnant?

A: PKD is a kind of genetic disease. The possibility that child gets the disease is approx 50%, if one of parents has PKD; while if both of them have the disease, the possibility that child gets PKD will increase to 75%.

Yes, it is possible for you to get pregnant. But you should make sure your kidney function has not been damaged very severely before you decide to be pregnant. And also you should know that your child will have 50% possibility to get this kind of disease. You should take the proper and efficient treatment to treat PKD and recover your kidney function rather than take some hormone drugs which will influent the child's growing development. Nature therapy must be your best choice, for it has less side effects and do little harm to the child.

Form the information you provide above, it can tell your condition is not very severe. But the fact is that your kidney function has been damaged. The creatinine level will rise quickly when kidney function has declined to 50% or less than 50% of the normal level. Now your creatinine level is 3, it is very possible for you to lower it and avoid the condition developing into Renal Failure. The cysts will keep growing with time going, which will oppress the surrounding tissues, that is why your blood pressure is a little higher and as well as creatinine level.

Now your condition is in a very important stage, if you take the early treatment, your kidney function can be recovered well. So in order to cause little harm to child, you should go and learn about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is a nature therapy.

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