Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What allergic purpura nephritis diet attention is

HSP nephritis is a very serious disease, to patients caused great harm, experts advise friends of patients, suffering from allergic purpura nephritis must pay attention to diet. So, what allergic purpura nephritis diet attention? Here, we look at the experts describes what is it! I hope to help the patient friends.

Experts said, suffering from allergic purpura nephritis diet attention to the following aspects:

First of all, it should be fasting all kinds of food allergens. Food allergies are a major cause of the disease, many foods allogeneic proteins can cause allergic purpura, these foods are fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, milk, beans, pineapple. Once a patient has a certain food sensitization may cause exacerbations, increase the burden of renal function. Therefore, in terms of allergic purpura nephritis patients should disable this kind of food for life, but also can not be used in contact with the food had cookware and utensils. In addition, allergic purpura nephritis patients he had never eaten better not to eat fresh vegetables like bud, because there are reports that pollen is also a common allergen.

Secondly, allergic purpura nephritis patients should eat foods rich in protein and blood. Since allergic purpura patients often caused anemia due to excessive bleeding, so to properly eat rich in protein and blood and other types of food to supplement the body's needs. These foods are lean meat, eggs, animal liver, kidney, spinach, tomatoes, kelp, seaweed, fungus, jujube and bean and its products.

In addition, you should eat foods high in vitamin C. Vitamin C has a role in reducing capillary permeability and fragility, allergic purpura nephritis patients eat these foods contribute to recovery. Foods rich in vitamin C, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, apples, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes and a variety of green leafy vegetables. 


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