Friday, January 15, 2016

Plagued by elderly hypertensive nephropathy

Among the elderly, hypertension is a very common disease, one of the older people will inevitably hypertension, kidney disease and high blood pressure in hypertensive complications are more common. The study found that hypertensive nephropathy mostly sick people passed the fourth decade of age, with a history of hypertension for more than six years, mainly in the elderly, there nocturia early phenomenon, then there may be proteinuria, individual cases may be due to the capillary rupture of transient hematuria, but not with significant low back pain.

In the elderly is a high risk of hypertension, renal disease, the disease usually occurs in patients with persistent blood pressure increased, systemic or local edema occurs, most arteriosclerotic retinopathy, when the fundus striped, flame-shaped hemorrhage and cotton wool soft exudates, support the diagnosis of malignant renal atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy associated with the nervous system may have a corresponding locating signs. Clinical manifestations of the disease varied complex, should be differentiated from other kidney disease, in order to take effective symptomatic treatment, should be excluded from a variety of secondary hypertension, especially in hypertensive chronic nephritis. Malignant renal atherosclerosis should rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, systemic vasculitis disease phase identification.

In addition, many hypertensive nephropathy patients are mild to moderate proteinuria, microscopic physical components (red blood cells, white blood cells, transparent tube) less, may have hematuria; early serum uric acid, urinary NAG enzyme, β2 -MG increased urine concentration - dilution dysfunction; Ccr more slow decline, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine increase. Renal tubular dysfunction much earlier than glomerular dysfunction.

By telling the above, you should understand it, if it is found symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy, kidney disease should go to the hospital for further examination. Early detection and early treatment for hypertensive nephropathy patients is extremely necessary. More than six years and a history of hypertension in patients aged between 40-55 should be particularly alert to the occurrence of hypertension complicated by kidney disease, because of the high risk population such person is the disease. 


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