Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Can PKD Patients Drink Alcohol

PKD is a common kidney disorder which is characterized by numerous cysts growing on kidneys. About a half of patients will develop kidney failure by the age of about 70. While a reasonable diet can help slow down the progression of condition. Now follow us to learn about the alcohol and PKD.

Your liver, not your kidneys, is responsible for removing alcohol from your body. So, unless you prefer to do so, there is no need to give up alcohol completely if you have ADPKD and are otherwise healthy. But it is important to keep to recommended limits:

· Two to three alcohol-free days a week
· No more than 3-4 units a day for men
· 2-3 units a day for women.

Too much alcohol is bad for you because:

· Alcoholic drinks contain a lot of calories, so they can make it more difficult to keep to a healthy weight.
· Alcohol raises your blood pressure, increasing your risk of kidney damage, and heart disease and strokes.
· It can increase the risk of some cancers.
· It can cause liver problems
· It can interact with some prescription medications.

If you still need the related information about PKD diet or natural ways to shrink cysts, then you are welcomed to leave us a message below or email to kidneyfailure@hotmail.com, our experts will surely send you back.

1 comment:

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