Friday, May 31, 2013

Please Help My Father with Creatinine 2.02, BUN 51, Urine Protein ++. Kidney Cysts

His serum creatinine, blood urea and uric acid are all higher than normal. It means his kidney function has already been seriously damaged. More than 60% of his kidney function has been lost. Besides, he has also blood and protein in urine. It means his disease is still progressing. If not controlled, the creatinine will be higher.

Does your father have Polycystic Kidney Disease? Is there any family history of this disease?

His cysts are many and big. It is the main reason for his kidney function damage. The enlarging of the cysts will press the around kidney tissues and cause lack of blood and oxygen supply for the kidney tissues, thus damaging the kidney function. Besides, his two stones in the lower calyce is also very dangerous. The stones are moving, not just stay there, so there is risk it will cause obstruction and cause acute kidney failure.

We have to shrink his cysts and remove his stones as early as possible. After his cysts become smaller, the kidney function will also be better. The serum creatine can be natrually lowered down. The micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy you read on line is the basic treatment. It is suitable for your father's condition. With the action of the modern equipment, the micronized medicine can arrive at the kidneys directly through skin and channels on the back. It can dilate the blood vessels, improve microcirculation and increase the permeability on the cysts walls. The cyst liquid will gradually be reabsorbed and discharged out in urine with blood circulation. Therefore, the cysts will become smaller.

Some herbal medicine will also be used to dissolve his kidney stones. Please see the picture I attached. We treated one patient from India who has PKD and also kidney stones. After one week's treatment, the stones are passed out in urine.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank Ultimate Life Clinic for reversing my father’s Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). My father’s ALS condition was fast deteriorating before he started on the ALS Herbal medicine treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic. He was on the treatment for just 6 months and we never thought my father will recover so soon. He has gained some weight in the past months and he is able to walk with no support. You can contact them through there website,


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